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WordPress background

May 15, 2021 WordPress

In this chapter, we'll look at background images, background colors, and background opacity.

Step (1) - Click → Background.

WordPress background

Step (2) - Displays the following page, which shows the Background Picture section.

WordPress background

Step (3) - No pictures are selected for the background. /b10> If you want to do this, click Select Image. /b11> You get the following page.

WordPress background

Here you can upload pictures using two options.

  • Upload Files
  • Media Library

Step (4) - Upload File - When you click Upload File, the following screen will be displayed. /b10> Select the file from the desktop and click Select Image if you are satisfied with the image.

WordPress background

Step (5) - Media Library - When you click on the library, the following page appears. /b10> Select files from wordPress library, which means that if you've updated your images, you can select any of them directly.

WordPress background

After selecting an image, on the right you will get several options -

  • Edit Pictures - When you click on this image, you'll be taken to another page where you can edit zoom images, dimensions, crop pictures and thumbnail settings, and more. A s shown in the following image, change, click Save and then click Update.

WordPress background
  • Delete Permanently - If you want your picture to be out of the library, press this button.

  • URL - Enter the image URL in this box.

  • Title - If you want to make any changes to the title of the picture, you can do so here.

  • Caption - You can briefly describe your picture in this section.

  • Alt text - Provides alternative text for images for users to use during the search.

  • Description - A little description of your picture.

Step (6) - Click Colors on the same page → Background Color. /b10> Change the background color accordingly. /b11> The background is opaque and does not apply to all topics. /b12> Theme customization is different from every theme we use. /b13> It changes from a topic to a topic.

WordPress background