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jQuery EasyUI Form - Form Verification

May 09, 2021 jQuery EasyUI

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jQuery EasyUI Form - Form Verification

This section describes how jQuery EasyUI form validation is implemented, and the EasyUI framework provides a validatebox plug-in to validate a form.

The following example shows you how to validate a form, we'll create a contact form, and we'll apply the validatebox plug-in to validate the form. You can then adjust the form to your needs.

jQuery EasyUI Form - Form Verification

Create a form

Let's create a simple contact form with the name, email, subject, and message fields:

	<div style="padding:3px 2px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc">Form Validation</div>
	<form id="ff" method="post">
			<label for="name">Name:</label>
			<input class="easyui-validatebox" type="text" name="name" required="true"></input>
			<label for="email">Email:</label>
			<input class="easyui-validatebox" type="text" name="email" required="true" validType="email"></input>
			<label for="subject">Subject:</label>
			<input class="easyui-validatebox" type="text" name="subject" required="true"></input>
			<label for="message">Message:</label>
			&lt;textarea name="message" style="height:60px;"&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt;
			<input type="submit" value="Submit">

We add a style named easyui-validatebox to the input tag, so the input tag will be validated according to the validType property application.

Block form submission when it is invalid

When a user clicks the submit button of a form, we should prevent the form from being submitted if it is invalid.

			return $(this).form('validate');
			$.messager.alert('Info', data, 'info');

If the form is invalid, a prompt is displayed.

Download the jQuery EasyUI instance