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jQuery EasyUI App - Create an RSS feed reader

May 08, 2021 jQuery EasyUI

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jQuery EasyUI app - Create an RSS feed reader

In this section, we'll show you how to use the jQuery EasyUI framework to create an RSS feed reader.

jQuery EasyUI App - Create an RSS feed reader

Here's what plug-ins we'll use and how they'll work:

  • layout: Create the user interface for your app.
  • Datagrid: Displays a list of RSS feeds.
  • Tree: Show feed channels.

Step 1: Create a layout

<body class="easyui-layout"&gt;
	<div region="north" border="false" class="rtitle">
		jQuery EasyUI RSS Reader Demo
	<div region="west" title="Channels Tree" split="true" border="false" style="width:200px;background:#EAFDFF;">
		<ul id="t-channels" url="data/channels.json"></ul>
	<div region="center" border="false">
		<div class="easyui-layout" fit="true">
			<div region="north" split="true" border="false" style="height:200px">
				<table id="dg"  						url="get_feed.php" border="false" rownumbers="true" 						fit="true" fitColumns="true" singleSelect="true">
							<th field="title" width="100">Title</th>
							<th field="description" width="200">Description</th>
							<th field="pubdate" width="80">Publish Date</th>
			<div region="center" border="false" style="overflow:hidden">
				<iframe id="cc" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:100%"></iframe>

Step 2: DataGrid handles events

In this step, we deal with some user-triggered events:

	onSelect: function(index,row){
		var rows = $(this).datagrid('getRows');
		if (rows.length){

This example uses the 'onSelect' event to display the contents of the feed, and the 'onLoadSuccess' event is used to select the first line.

Step 3: Tree menu handles events

When the Tree data is loaded, we need to select the first leaf node and call the 'select' method to select that node. U se the 'onSelect' event to get the selected node so that we can get the corresponding 'url' value. Finally, we call dataGrid's 'load' method to refresh the feed list data.

	onSelect: function(node){
		var url = node.attributes.url;
			url: url
		if (data.length){
			var id = data[0].children[0].children[0].id;
			var n = $(this).tree('find', id);

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