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Cordova WhiteList

May 21, 2021 Cordova

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This plug-in allows us to implement the whitelist policy for application navigation. /b10> When we create a new Cordova project, the whitelist plug-in is installed and implemented by default. /b11> You can open the .xml file and see the allow-intent default settings provided by Cordova.

Navigate the whitelist

In the following simple example, we allow links to some external URLs. /b10> This code is located in .xml config. /b11> Navigation to the file:// by default.

<allow-navigation href = "*" />

The asterisk * used to allow navigation to multiple values. /b10> In the example above, we allow navigation to all sub-domains of the system. /b11> The same can be applied to protocols or prefixes to hosts.

<allow-navigation href = "*://**" />

Whitelist of intents

There is also an allow-intent element that specifies the URL that allows the system to be opened. /b10> You can .xml in the config page that Cordova has allowed us to use most of the required links.

The network requests a whitelist

When you .xml the config file, there are elements of the .lt; access origin. /b10> This element allows all network requests to our application via the Cordova hook. /b11> If you only want to allow a specific request, you can .xml from the config file and set it up yourself.

Use the same principle as the previous example.

<access origin = "" />

This allows all network requests from the server.

Content security policy

You can .html the app's current security policy in the head element in the index

<meta http-equiv = "Content-Security-Policy" content = "default-src 
   'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 
   'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">

This is the default configuration. If you want to allow everything from the same origin , you can use -

<meta http-equiv = "Content-Security-Policy" content = "default-src 'self'">

You can also allow everything, but limit CSS and JavaScript to the same source.

<meta http-equiv = "Content-Security-Policy" content = "default-src *; 
   style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 
   'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">

Since this is a beginner's tutorial, we recommend using the default Cordova option. /b10> Once you are familiar with Cordova, you can try some different values.