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Which is better apache kafka or apache rabbitmq?

Asked by Valentin Pope on Nov 29, 2021 Apache Kafka

Messages are created and sent by the producer and received by the consumer. Apache Kafka uses an unbounded data flow, with the key-value pairs continuously streaming to the assigned topic. RabbitMQ is best for transactional data, such as order formation and placement, and user requests.
Topics: A topic is a fairly universal concept in publish/subscribe messaging. In Apache Kafka and other messaging solutions, a topic is an addressable abstraction used to show interest in a given data stream (series of records/messages).
Accordingly, Consequently, RabbitMQ is a more “heavyweight” queuing solution and tends to pay an additional premium with. RabbitMQ’s high availability support is terrible. It’s a single point of failure no matter how you turn it because it cannot merge conflicting queues that result from a split-brain situation.
The ability of RabbitMQ to support different protocols means that it can be used in many different scenarios. The newest version of AMQP differs drastically from the officially supported release, 0.9.1. It is unlikely that RabbitMQ will deviate from AMQP 0.9.1.
Kafka retains the message after it was consumed for a period of time (default is 7 days), while RabbitMQ removes messages immediately after the consumer’s confirmation was received. Also, RabbitMQ pushes messages to consumers and keeps track of their load.