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How is a lablevaluebean used in struts2?

Asked by Alina Butler on Dec 12, 2021 Struts2

I see you are using a LableValueBean to populate and show a dropdown. It's a former bean used at last to display a list of objects. In Struts2 you're no longer required such a helper bean. You can display a list of objects by specifying a key field that would hold a unique value of the selected option and a value to be shown as the option text.
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Struts 2 Framework. The Struts 2 framework is used to develop MVC (Model View Controller) based web applications. Struts 2 is the combination of webwork framework of opensymphony and struts 1.
Accordingly, A form bean is an instance of a subclass of an ActionForm class and other FormBean class, which stores HTML form data from a submitted client request or that can store input data from a Struts action link that a user clicked. You can divide Form Beans into two types.
LabelValueBeans are equal if their values are both null or equal. The hash code is based on the object's value. Return a string representation of this object. Comparator that can be used for a case insensitive sort of LabelValueBean objects.
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