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Struts2 data label

May 15, 2021 Struts2

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Struts2's data labels are primarily used for data displayed on the action page. T he main data labels are listed below:

Action tag

This label allows developers to call action directly from the JSP page by specifying the action name and optional namespace. T he body content of the label is used to render the results of the action. A ny result handlers .xml this action in the struts will be ignored unless the executeResult parameter is specified.

<div>Tag to execute the action</div>
<br />
<s:action name="actionTagAction" executeResult="true" />
<br />
<div>To invokes special method  in action class</div>
<br />
<s:action name="actionTagAction!specialMethod" executeResult="true" />

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include label

These include tags will be used to include a JSP file on another JSP page.

<-- First Syntax -->
<s:include value="myJsp.jsp" />

<-- Second Syntax -->
<s:include value="myJsp.jsp">
   <s:param name="param1" value="value2" />
   <s:param name="param2" value="value2" />

<-- Third Syntax -->
<s:include value="myJsp.jsp">
   <s:param name="param1">value1</s:param>
   <s:param name="param2">value2</s:param>

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bean label

These bean tags instantiate a class that conforms to the Java Beans specification. T his label has a body that can contain some Param elements to set up any mutator method. I f the var property is set on the BeanTag, it puts the instantiated bean in the Context of the value stack.

<s:bean name="org.apache.struts2.util.Counter" var="counter">
   <s:param name="first" value="20"/>
   <s:param name="last" value="25" />

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Date label

The data label allows the date to be formatted in a quick and easy way. Users can specify a custom date format (e.g. "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm"), generate easy-to-read symbols (e.g., "in 2 hours and 14 minutes"), or return to a predefined format using key: "" in the property file.

<s:date name="person.birthday" format="dd/MM/yyyy" />
<s:date name="person.birthday" format="%{getText('some.i18n.key')}" />
<s:date name="person.birthday" nice="true" />
<s:date name="person.birthday" />

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param label

These param labels can be used to parameterize other labels. T his label has the following two parameters.

  • name (string) - the name of the argument

  • value (object) - the value of the argument

 <ui:param name="key"     value="[0]"/>
 <ui:param name="value"   value="[1]"/>
 <ui:param name="context" value="[2]"/>

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property label

These property tags are used to get a value of the property, which, if not specified, defaults to the top of the value stack.

<s:push value="myBean">
    <!-- Example 1: -->
    <s:property value="myBeanProperty" />

    <!-- Example 2: -->TextUtils
    <s:property value="myBeanProperty" default="a default value" />

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Push label:

These push labels are used to push values in the stack to simplify use.

<s:push value="user">
    <s:propery value="firstName" />
    <s:propery value="lastName" />

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Set label

These set labels assign values to variables within the specified range. I t is useful when you want to assign a variable to a complex expression and then refer only to it instead of a complex expression. T he range of applications that can be applied is applications, sessions, requests, pages, and action.

<s:set name="myenv" value=""/>
<s:property value="myenv"/>

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Text label

These text tags are used to render I18n text messages.

<!-- First Example -->
<s:i18n name="struts.action.test.i18n.Shop">
    <s:text name="main.title"/>

<!-- Second Example -->
<s:text name="main.title" />

<!-- Third Examlpe -->
<s:text name="i18n.label.greetings">
   <s:param >Mr Smith</s:param>

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url tag

These url tags are used to create URLs.

<-- Example 1 -->
<s:url value="editGadget.action">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<-- Example 2 -->
<s:url action="editGadget">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<-- Example 3-->
<s:url includeParams="get">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{'22'}" />

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