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WeChat small program WeUI e-window component

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Dialog e-window assembly.

Example code:

  "usingComponents": {
    "mp-dialog": "../components/dialog/dialog"

<view class="page">
    <view class="page__hd">
        <view class="page__title">Dialog</view>
        <view class="page__desc">对话框</view>
    <view class="page__bd">
        <view class="weui-btn-area">
            <button class="weui-btn" type="default" bindtap="openConfirm">确认取消按钮</button>
            <button class="weui-btn" type="default" bindtap="tapOneDialogButton">只有确认按钮</button>
    <mp-dialog title="test" show="{{dialogShow}}" bindbuttontap="tapDialogButton" buttons="{{buttons}}">
        <view>test content</view>
    <mp-dialog title="test1" show="{{showOneButtonDialog}}" bindbuttontap="tapDialogButton" buttons="{{oneButton}}">
        <view>test content1</view>

    data: {
        dialogShow: false,
        showOneButtonDialog: false,
        buttons: [{text: '取消'}, {text: '确定'}],
        oneButton: [{text: '确定'}],
    openConfirm: function () {
            dialogShow: true
    tapDialogButton(e) {
            dialogShow: false,
            showOneButtonDialog: false
    tapOneDialogButton(e) {
            showOneButtonDialog: true

WeChat small program WeUI e-window component

The list of properties

Property Type The default Required Description
ext-class string Whether A class added to the internal structure of a component that can be used to modify the style inside a component
title string Whether The title of the e-window
buttons array<object> [] Whether Button group at the bottom, it is recommended to provide up to two buttons
mask boolean Is Whether the mask is displayed
mask-closable boolean Is Click to see if the mask can be closed
show boolean false Whether Whether to display the e-window
bindclose eventhandler Whether Events triggered when the window closes
bindbuttontap eventhandler Whether The event triggered when the buttons button group clicks, the detail is the "index, item", and the item is the configuration item of the button

Buttons provide a button group configuration, each representing a button, and each item has a property

Property Type The default Required Description
extClass string Whether The additional class of the button, which can be used to modify the style inside the component
text string Whether The text of the button


The e-window assembly has only one default slot for displaying the contents of the e-window