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WeChat Program API

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document


The framework provides a wealth of WeChat native APIs that can easily adjust the capabilities provided by WeChat, such as access to user information, local storage, payment functions, etc.


  • The API that starts with wx.on is the API interface that listens for an event to occur and accepts a CALLBACK function as an argument. When the event is triggered, the CALLBACK function is called.
  • Without special conventions, all other API interfaces accept an OBJECT as an argument.
  • OBJECT can specify success, fail, complete to receive the results of interface calls.
The name of the argument Type Required Description
success Function Whether The interface calls a successful callback function
fail Function Whether The interface calls the failed callback function
complete Function Whether Callback function at end of interface call (call succeeds, fails are executed)

List of APIs:

List of network APIs:

Api Description
wx.request Make a network request
wx.uploadFile Upload the file
wx.downloadFile Download the file
wx.connectSocket Create a WebSocket connection
wx.onSocketOpen Listen to WebSocket open
wx.onSocketError Listen for WebSocket errors
wx.sendSocketMessage Send a WebSocket message
wx.onSocketMessage Accept the WebSocket message
wx.closeSocket Close the WebSocket connection
wx.onSocketClose Listen to WebSocket off

List of media APIs:

Api Description
wx.chooseImage Select a picture from an album, or take a photo
wx.previewImage Preview the picture
wx.startRecord Start recording
wx.stopRecord End the recording
wx.playVoice Play the voice
wx.pauseVoice Pause Play voice
wx.stopVoice End play voice
wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState Get music playback status
wx.playBackgroundAudio play music
wx.pauseBackgroundAudio Pause play music
wx.seekBackgroundAudio Control music play progress
wx.stopBackgroundAudio Stop playing music
wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay Listening to music start playing
wx.onBackgroundAudioPause Monitoring music pause
wx.onBackgroundAudioStop Listening to music
wx.chooseVideo Select video from album, or shoot

File API list:

API illustrate
wx.saveFile save document
wx.getSavedFileList Get list of saved files
wx.getSavedFileInfo Get saved file information
wx.removeSavedFile Delete saved file information
wx.openDocument Open the file

List of data APIs:

Api Description
wx.getStorage Gets the local data cache
wx.getStorageSync Gets the local data cache
wx.setStorage Set up a local data cache
wx.setStorageSync Set up a local data cache
wx.getStorageInfo Get information about the local cache
wx.getStorageInfoSync Get information about the local cache
wx.removeStorage Delete local cached content
wx.removeStorageSync Delete local cached content
wx.clearStorage Clean up the local data cache
wx.clearStorageSync Clean up the local data cache

Location API list:

Api Description
wx.getLocation Gets the current location
wx.chooseLocation Open the map to select a location
wx.openLocation Open the built-in map
wx.createMapContext Map component control

List of device APIs:

Api Description
wx.getNetworkType Gets the network type
wx.onNetworkStatusChange Listen for changes in network status
wx.getSystemInfo Get system information
wx.getSystemInfoSync Get system information
wx.onAccelerometerChange Listen for acceleration data
wx.startAccelerometer Start listening for acceleration data
wx.stopAccelerometer Stop listening for acceleration data
wx.onCompassChange Listen for aross data
wx.startCompass Start listening to the arospass data
wx.stopCompass Stop listening to the arospass data
wx.setClipboardData Set the clipboard content
wx.getClipboardData Get the clipboard content
wx.makePhoneCall Dial number
wx.scanCode Sweep the code

List of interface APIs:

Api Description
wx.showToast Show the prompt box
wx.showLoading Displays the load prompt box
wx.hideToast Hide the prompt box
wx.hideLoading Hide the prompt box
wx.showModal Show modal spring windows
wx.showActionSheet Displays a list of menus
wx.setNavigationBarTitle Set the current page title
wx.showNavigationBarLoading Displays an animation of the navigation bar loading
wx.hideNavigationBarLoading Hide the navigation bar loading animation
wx.navigateTo A new window opens the page
wx.redirectTo The original window opens the page
wx.switchTab Switch to the tabbar page
wx.navigateBack Go back to the last page
wx.createAnimation Animation
wx.createCanvasContext Create a drawing context
wx.drawCanvas Drawing
wx.stopPullDownRefresh Stop the pull-down refresh animation

List of WXML node information APIs:

Api Description
wx.createSelectorQuery Create a query request Select a single node based on the selector
selectorQuery.selectAll Select all nodes based on the selector
selectorQuery.selectViewport Select the display area
nodesRef.boundingClientRect Gets the layout position and dimensions
nodesRef.scrollOffset Gets the scrolling position
nodesRef.fields Get any field
selectorQuery.exec The query request is executed

Open interface:

Api Description
wx.login Login
wx.getUserInfo Get user information
wx.chooseAddress Get the user's shipping address
wx.requestPayment Start WeChat payment
wx.addCard Add a voucher
wx.openCard Open the voucher