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WeChat small program view container movable-area

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Base library 1.2.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible

movable-view removable area

Note: movable-area must set the width and height properties, not the default 10px


Base library 1.2.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible

A removable view container that you can drag and swipe on a page

The property name Type The default Description
direction String none The direction in which movable-view moves, with property values of all, vertical, horizontal, none
inertia Boolean false Whether movable-view has inertia
out-of-bounds Boolean false Whether movable-view can still be moved after the removable area has been exceeded
Number Defines an offset in the direction of the x-axis, which automatically moves to a mmoable range if the value of x is not within the removable range;
Y Number Defines an offset in the direction of the y-axis, which automatically moves to the medable range if the value of y is not within the removable range;
damping Number 20 Damping factor, used to control animations and over-bound bounces when x or y changes, the higher the value, the faster the movement
friction Number 2 Friction coefficient, used to control the animation of inertial sliding, the greater the value of friction, the faster the sliding stop;

movable-view must set the width and height properties, not the default 10px

movable-view defaults to absolute positioning, with top and loft properties of 0px

When movable-view is smaller than movable-area, the range of movement of movable-view is within movable-area, and when movable-view is larger than movable-area, the range of movement of movable-view must include movable-area (the x-axis and y-axis directions are considered separately)

Note: movable-view must be <movable-area/> and must be a direct child node, otherwise it cannot be moved.

Example code:

<view class="section">
  <view class="section__title">movable-view区域小于movable-area</view>
  <movable-area style="height: 200px;width: 200px;background: red;">
    <movable-view style="height: 50px; width: 50px; background: blue;" x="{{x}}" y="{{y}}" direction="all">
  <view class="btn-area">
    <button size="mini" bindtap="tap">click me to move to (30px, 30px)</button>
  <view class="section__title">movable-view区域大于movable-area</view>
  <movable-area style="height: 100px;width: 100px;background: red;" direction="all">
    <movable-view style="height: 200px; width: 200px; background: blue;">
  data: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0
  tap: function(e) {
      x: 30,
      y: 30