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Vant IndexBar index bar

May 07, 2021 Vant

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { IndexBar, IndexAnchor } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

When you click on the index bar, you automatically jump to the corresponding IndexAnchor anchor position

  <van-index-anchor index="A" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />

  <van-index-anchor index="B" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />


Custom index list

You can customize the list of indexed characters displayed with the index-list property.

<van-index-bar :index-list="indexList">
  <van-index-anchor index="1">标题1</van-index-anchor>
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />

  <van-index-anchor index="2">标题2</van-index-anchor>
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />
  <van-cell title="文本" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      indexList: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


IndexBar Props

Parameters Description Type The default
index-list The list of index characters string[] | number[] A-Z
z-index z-index level number | string 1
sticky Whether to turn on the anchor automatic ceiling boolean true
sticky-offset-top v2.0.7 The distance from the top when the anchor automatically tops number 0
highlight-color Index characters highlight colors string #07c160

IndexAnchor Props

Parameters Description Type The default
index Index character number | string -

IndexBar Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
select Triggered when characters are selected index: Index character

IndexAnchor Slots

Name Description
default The anchor position displays content, which defaults to index characters

Example demonstration