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Uploader file upload

May 07, 2021 Vant

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { Uploader } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

When the file is uploaded, theafter-read callback function is triggered to get the corresponding file object

<van-uploader :after-read="afterRead" />
export default {
  methods: {
    afterRead(file) {
      // 此时可以自行将文件上传至服务器

Picture preview

V-model allows you to bind a list of images that have been uploaded and show a preview of the list of pictures

<van-uploader v-model="fileList" multiple />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      fileList: [
        { url: '' },
        // Uploader 根据文件后缀来判断是否为图片文件
        // 如果图片 URL 中不包含类型信息,可以添加 isImage 标记来声明
        { url: 'https://cloud-image', isImage: true }

Limit the number of uploads

The max-count property allows you to limit the number of uploaded files, and when the number of uploads reaches the limit, the upload area is automatically hidden

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      fileList: []

Custom upload styles

The slot allows you to customize the style of the upload area

  <van-button icon="photo" type="primary">上传图片</van-button>

Check before uploading

By passing in the beforeRead function, you can verify before uploading, return true to indicate check pass, return to false to indicate that the check failed. Supports returning Promise for asynchronous validation

<van-uploader :before-read="beforeRead" />
import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  methods: {
    // 返回布尔值
    beforeRead(file) {
      if (file.type !== 'image/jpeg') {
        Toast('请上传 jpg 格式图片');
        return false;
      return true;
    // 返回 Promise
    asyncBeforeRead(file) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (file.type !== 'image/jpeg') {
          Toast('请上传 jpg 格式图片');
        } else {



Parameters Description Type The default
accept The type of file that is allowed to be uploaded, detailing string image/*
name v2.0.3 Identifier, which can be obtained in the second argument of the callback function number | string -
preview-size Preview the size of the drawing and the upload area in px number | string 80px
preview-image Whether to display the preview after the upload is complete boolean true
preview-full-image v2.1.5 Show a full-screen picture preview after clicking on the preview boolean true
multiple Whether to turn on multiple selection of pictures, some Android models do not support boolean false
disabled Whether to disable file upload boolean false
deletable v2.2.12 Whether to display the delete button boolean true
capture Picture selection mode, optional value is camera (directly up camera) string -
after-read The callback function after the file read is complete Function -
before-read Callback function before file read, return false to terminate file read,
Back to Promise is Promise
Function -
before-delete Callback function before file deletion, return false to terminate file read,
Back to Promise is Promise
Function -
max-size File size limit in byte number | string -
max-count There is a limit to the number of file uploads number | string -
result-type v2.2.7 The file read result type, with an optional file text string dataUrl
upload-text Upload a regional text prompt string -
image-fit v2.1.5 Preview the graph crop mode, with optional values available in the Image component string cover


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
oversize Triggered when the file size exceeds the limit Same after-read
click-preview Triggered when you click on the preview Same after-read
close-preview Trigger when you turn off full-screen picture previews -
delete Triggered when the file preview is deleted Same after-read


Name Description
default Customize the upload area

Callback parameters

The following callback parameters are passed when before-read, after-read, before-delete are executed:

The name of the argument Description Type
file The file object after the file is parsed object
detail Additional information, including name and index fields object

ResultType optional value

The result-type field represents the type of file read result, and file type is recommended to avoid Caton when uploading large files.

Value Describe
file The result contains only file objects
text The result contains the File object, as well as the text content of the file
dataUrl The result contains the File object, as well as the base64 encoding for the file


Ref allows you to get to the Uploader instance and call the instance method, as detailed in The Component Instance Method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
closeImagePreview Turn off full-screen picture previews - -

Example demonstration