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Vant Swipe is on wheels

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Swipe, SwipeItem } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

Each SwipeItem represents a carnation card that can be spaced automatically by using the autoplay property

<van-swipe class="my-swipe" :autoplay="3000" indicator-color="white">

.my-swipe .van-swipe-item {
  color: #fff;
  font-size: 20px;
  line-height: 150px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #39a9ed;

The picture is lazy to load

When Swipe contains pictures, you can work with the Lazyload component to implement lazy picture loading

<van-swipe :autoplay="3000">
  <van-swipe-item v-for="(image, index) in images" :key="index">
    <img v-lazy="image" />
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Lazyload } from 'vant';


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      images: [

Listen for change events

<van-swipe @change="onChange">
import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  methods: {
    onChange(index) {
      Toast('当前 Swipe 索引:' + index);

Scroll vertically

When you set the vertical property, the slider is arranged vertically, and you need to specify the height of the slider container

<van-swipe style="height: 200px;" vertical>

Customize the slider size

The slider is 100% by default, and you can set the width of a single slider with the width property. In portrait scroll mode, you can set the height of a single slider with the height attribute.

<van-swipe :loop="false" :width="300">
Custom slider sizes in loop scroll mode are not currently supported, so you need to set loop to false

Custom indicator

The style of the indicator can be customized through the inserter slot

<van-swipe @change="onChange">

  <div class="custom-indicator" slot="indicator">
    {{ current + 1 }}/4
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      current: 0
  methods: {
    onChange(index) {
      this.current = index;


Swipe Props

Parameters Description Type The default
autoplay Autocarncast interval in ms number | string -
duration The length of the animation, in ms number | string 500
initial-swipe The initial location index value number | string 0
width Slider width in px number | string auto
height Slider height in px number | string auto
loop Whether to turn on loop playback boolean true
show-indicators Whether to display an indicator boolean true
vertical Whether to scroll vertically boolean false
touchable Whether you can swipe through gestures boolean true
stop-propagation v2.2.13 Whether to prevent sliding events from bubbling boolean true
indicator-color The color of the indicator string #1989fa

Swipe Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
change Triggered at the end of each page of the rotation index, the index of the current page

SwipeItem Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
Click Triggered when clicked event: Event

The Swipe method

Ref allows you to get to the Swipe instance and call the instance method, as detailed in the component instance method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
prev v2.4.2 Switch to the last rotation - -
next v2.4.2 Switch to the next rotation - -
swipeTo Switch to the specified location index: number, options: Options void
resize v2.2.14 This method can be called to trigger a redraw after the size of the outer element has changed - void

SwipeTo Options format

Name Description Type
immediate Whether to skip the animation boolean

Swipe Slots

Name Description
default The content of the rotation
indicator Custom indicator


Why is the click event triggered when I swipe a wheelcast?

This is usually caused by the introduction of the fastclick library in the project. Fastclick's principle is to simulate a click event through the Touch event, and swipe internal default prevents the touchmove event from bubbling, interfering with fastclick's judgment, causing the problem.

Setting the stop-propagation property of the Swipe component to false avoids the problem.

Can't operate components on the desktop side?

See Use on the desktop side.

Example demonstration