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Groovy operator

May 14, 2021 Groovy

Table of contents

An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical operations.

Groovy has the following types of operators -

  • Arithmetic operator
  • The relationship operator
  • The logical operator
  • Bit operator
  • The assignment operator

Arithmetic operator

The Groovy language supports normal arithmetic operators in any language. H ere are the arithmetic operators available in Groovy -

The example is displayed

Operator Describe Example
+ The addition of two operasts 1 plus 2 will get 3
- The first and second operations are subtracted
2 - 1 will get 1
* Multiplication of two operations 2 x 2 will get 4
/ The divide between two operations 3/2 will get 1.5
The molding operation 3%2 will get 1
++ Self-add operation, on the basis of its own value plus 1

INT X = 5;

X ++;

X will get 6

-- Self-subtract operation, minus 1 on the basis of its own value

INT X = 5;

X - -;

X will get 4

The relationship operator

The relationship operator allows the comparison of objects. Here are the relationship operators available in Groovy -

The example is displayed

Operator Describe Example
== Test whether the two objects are equal 2 s 2 will get true
!= Test whether there is a difference between the two objects 3! . .
< Check to see if the object on the left is smaller than the object on the right. 2 slt; 3 will get true
<= Check to see if the left object is less than or equal to the right object 2 slt;=3 will get true
> Check to see if the object on the left is bigger than the object on the right. 3 sgt; 2 will get true
>= Check whether the left object is greater than or equal to the right object. 3 sgt; s 2 will get true

The logical operator

Logical operators are used to evaluate Boolean expressions. H ere are the logical operators available in Groovy -

The example is displayed

Operator Describe Example
&& This is a logical "and" operation true and true get true
|| This is a logical "or" operation true || true to get true
This is the logical "non" operation !true gets false

Bit operator

Four bit operators are available in Groovy. H ere are the bit operators available in Groovy -

The example is displayed

Operator Describe
This is a bit "and" operation
| This is a bit-by-bit "or" operation
^ This is a bit-by-bit "different" or different or operator
This is a bit-by-bit inverse operator

Here is a table of true values that show these operators.

P Q p&Q p | Q p ^ Q
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1

The assignment operator

The Groovy language also provides assignment operators. H ere are the assignment operators available at Groovy -

The example is displayed

Operator Describe Example
+= The equivalent of A-B is A-B

DEF A = 5

A += 3

The output will be 8

-= A --B is equivalent to A-B

DEF A = 5

A -= 3

The output will be 2

*= A s b is equivalent to A s A s B

DEF A = 5

A *= 3

The output will be 15

/= A /-B is equivalent to A-A/B

DEF A = 6

A /= 3

The output will be 2

(%)= A (%) s B is equivalent to A s A % B

DEF A = 5

A %= 3

The output will be 2

The range operator

Groovy supports the concept of scope, and at the . . . S ymbols provide symbols for range operators with the help of symbols. A simple example of a range operator is given below.

def range = 0..5 

This simply defines a simple integer range, stored in a local variable called the lower limit of the range to 0 and the upper limit to 5.

The following snipper shows how to use various operators.

class Example { 
   static void main(String[] args) { 
      def range = 5..10; 

When we run the program above, we get the following results -

From the println statement, you can see the entire range of numbers that are defined in the range statement.

The get statement is used to get an object from a defined range, using the index value as an argument.

[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] 

Operator priority

The following table lists all groovy operators in order of priority

Operator Name
++ - + - Pre-increase/decrease, one dollar plus, one dollar minus
* / % Multiplication, divide, mold
+ - Addition, subtract
==! = <=> Equal to, not equal to, comparison
Binary/bit operators and
^ Binary/bit different or
| Binary/by bit or
&& Logic and
|| Logic or
= ** = * = / =%= + = - = << = >> = >>> = = ^ = | = Various assignment operators