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Groovy list

May 14, 2021 Groovy

A list is a structure that stores a collection of data items. In Groovy, List saves a series of object references.

Object references in List occupy a position in the sequence and are distinguished by integer indexes.

List text is represented as a series of objects separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets.

The groovy list is indexed using the index operator. The list index starts at 0 and refers to the first element.

The data in a list in groovy can be of any type. The list of collections under java is somewhat different, and the list under java is a collection of data of the same type.

Groovy lists can be nested. F or example, the "aaa" groovy list has a built-in inverse method reverse(). C alling List.reverse can reverse the list. T he groovy list has a sort method built into it. C alling List.sort() enables list sorting. An empty list is represented as an empty collection declared by :

def list1 = []  
def list2 = [1,2,3,4]  
println list1.size()

Several common methods between lists:

1, add:

def list1 = [100, 101]
def list2 = [ 99,98,1]
println //输出结果: [100, 101, 99, 98,1]
// 也可以写成 list2 + list1

2, delete:

def list1 = [12, 13]
def list2 = [11, 2, 33, 12, 13, 16]
println list2.minus(list1) //输出结果: [11, 2, 33, 16]
//list2.minus(list1) 也可以写成 list2 - list1

In this chapter, we'll discuss the list methods available in Groovy.

Serial number Method and description
1 add()

Attach the new value to the end of this list.

2 contains()

True is returned if this list contains the specified value.

3 get()

Returns the elements that specify the location in this list.

4 isEmpty()

True is returned if this list does not contain elements

5 minus()

Create a new list of original elements instead of the elements specified in the collection.

6 plus()

Create a new list of the original elements and the elements specified in the collection.

7 pop()

Remove the last item from this list

8 remove()

Remove the elements that specify a location in this list.

9 reverse()

Create a new list that is opposite to the elements of the original list

10 size()

Gets the number of elements in this list.

11 sort()

Returns a sorted copy of the original list.