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How are jsx attributes similar to html attributes?

Asked by Abram McCann on Nov 29, 2021 HTML

The syntax of JSX attributes closely resembles that of HTML attributes. In the block of code, inside of the opening tag of the <h1> JSX element, we see an id attribute with the value "example". const example = <h1 id="example">JSX Attributes</h1>;
One is a non-standard HTML attribute (e.g., foo:'bar') and the others are known HTML attributes. The JSX when it is transformed will look like this (note that attributes/props just become arguments to a function): When the reactNodeLi node is render to the DOM it will look like this:
Indeed, To define class names and for attributes in JSX, you don't do it as class or for, since both are reserved keywords in JavaScript. You actually create class components with the class keyword. So, to define class names in JSX, you do it as " className " and for attributes for labels you write " HTMLFor ":
One may also ask,
JSX elements can have attributes, just like HTML elements can. A JSX attribute is written using HTML-like syntax: a name, followed by an equals sign, followed by a value.
The Main Differences Between HTML and JSX 1 You need to return a single parent element in JSX. ... 2 You can implement JS directly in JSX. ... 3 All Tags Self-close in JSX. ... 4 ClassName and HTMLFor, not class and for in JSX. ... 5 Write all HTML Attributes in camelCase in JSX. ... 6 Write Inline Styles as Objects in JSX. ...