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WeChat small program cloud development API database export

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document


This interface should be called on the server side, as detailed in the service side API.

Database export

The request address


Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
access_token string Is The interface calls the credentials
Env string Is Cloud environment ID
file_path string Is Export file path (files are exported to cloud storage in the same environment, and download links can be obtained using the Get Download Link API)
file_type number Is Export file types, file format reference database import guidelines in the file format section
query string Is The export condition

file_type legal value of the list

Value Description The lowest version
1 Json
2 Csv

Returns a value


The returned JSON packet

Property Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg string The error message
job_id number Export task ID, query export results using the database migration progress query API, get file download link.

The legal value of errcode

Value Description The lowest version
0 The request was successful
-1 System error
-1000 System error
40014 AccessToken is illegal
40097 The request parameter is wrong
40101 Required parameters are missing
41001 Missing AccessToken
42001 AccessToken expires
43002 HTTP METHOD error
44002 POST BODY is empty
47001 POST BODY format is incorrect
85088 The APP is not open for cloud development
Other error codes Cloud development error code

An example of requesting data

    "query":"const Point = db.Geo.Point;db.collection(\'geo\').where({name: \'x\',age:,loc: new Point(113,23),array: [1,2]}).limit(10).skip(1).orderBy(\'age\',\'asc\').orderBy(\'name\', \'desc\').field({ name: true }).get()"

Return an example of the data

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "job_id": 100074947

The export condition description

The query statement syntax is the same as the database API