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WeChat program API drawing

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

API interface

Method Description
createCanvasContext Create canvas drawing context (specify canvasId)
CreateContext (not recommended) Create a canvas drawing context
drawCanvas (not recommended) Draw
canvasToTempFilePath Export the picture

The method list for the context object

Color, style, shadow

Method Description
setFillStyle Set the fill style
setStrokeStyle Style the lines
setShadow Set the shadow


Method Description
createLinearGradient Create a linear gradient
createCircularGradient Create a circular gradient
addColorStop Add a color change at a point in the gradient

Line style

Method Description
setLineWidth Set the line width
setLineCap Style line endpoints
setLineJoin Style the intersection of the two lines
setMiterLimit Set the maximum tilt


Method Description
rect Create a rectangle
fillRect Fill a rectangle
strokeRect Draw a rectangle (not filled)
clearRect In a given rectangular area, clear the pixels on the canvas


Method Description
fill Fill the current path
stroke Stroke the current path
beginPath Start a path
closePath Close a path
moveTo Move the path to the specified point in the canvas, but do not create lines.
lineTo Add a new point, and then create a line in the canvas from that point to the last specified point.
arc Add an arc path to the current path and draw clockwise.
quadraticCurveTo Create a second Fang Besier curve
bezierCurveTo Create a three-way Basser curve


method illustrate
scale Zeng
rotate Cut the coordinate axis rotate clockwise
translate Zoom in the origin of the coordinate


Method Description
fillText Draws the filled text on the canvas
setFontSize Set the font size
setTextBaseline Set the font baseline
setTextAlign Set the font alignment


Method Description
drawImage Draw an image on the canvas


Method Description
setGlobalAlpha Set global brush transparency


Method Description
save Save the current drawing context
restore Restore the previously protected drawing context
draw Draw
getActions (not recommended) Gets the context stored on the current context
clearActions (not recommended) Empty the current stored drawing action