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WeChat program add

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


This interface should be called on the server side, as detailed in the Service Side API.
This interface supports cloud calls. D eveloper tool version required . . . 1.02.1904090 (latest stable download)
wx-server-sdk >= 0.4.0

Add a place

How to call:

  • HTTPS call
  • Cloud calls

HTTPS call

The request address


Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
access_token string Is The interface calls the credentials
is_comm_nearby string Is Required, write dead as "1"
pic_list string Is Store pictures, up to 9, at least 1, upload store images such as store exterior, environmental facilities, merchandise services, etc., pictures will be displayed on the WeChat client's store page. T he image link is obtained the "Upload images within the image message" interface in the document's website. Required, the file format is bmp, png, jpeg, jpg, or gif, no more than 5M pic_list is a string, the content is a json
service_infos string Is The list of mandatory service labels is required and needs to be filled in
1, service label ID
2, service type tpye
3, service name name name
See service label id number, type and service name table below for detailed field format
5, the corresponding service landing page path: path path page to be consistent with the corresponding service label, such as choose takeaway service, path path should be the takeaway corresponding page of the small program, path path to get consulting development or to the small program management background - tools - generate small program code page to get
6, the new service description desc: describe the service content, such as full reduction, discount and other preferential information or new products, explosives and other commodity information, only standard services can be added, within 10 characters.
service_infos is a string and the content is a johnson
kf_info string Is Customer service information optional, customizable service avatar and nickname, the specific fill-in field can be found in the following example kf_info pic_list is a string, the content is a johnson
store_name string Is Store name required, store name according to the selected geographical location to automatically pull Tencent Map store name, can not be modified, if you need to modify please reproduce the select map location or re-create the location.
hour string Is Hours, format 11:11-12:12 required
address string Is Address required
poi_id string Is If you create a new store, poi_id field is empty If the store is updated, poi_id parameters fill in the options for the corresponding store poi_id the option
company_name string Is Subject name is required
contract_phone string Is Store phone required
credential string Is Qualification number required, 15 business license registration number or 9 organization code
qualification_list string Is Proof materials Required If company_name and the subject of the small program do not agree, need to fill in qualification_list, detailed rules see the nearby small program use guide - how to prove that the store's operating entity and the public number or small program account subject related
map_poi_id string Is Corresponding to the sosomap_poi_uid field in "Search for Stores in Tencent Map" Tencent map there are some data insignity, if you do not fill map_poi_id, the small probability will fail to submit!
poi_id relationship map_poi_id the world:
map_poi_id is the unique logo of Tencent Maps for poi
poi_id is the only sign of the store after it is moved into the vicinity

Returns a value


The returned JSON packet

Property Type Description
errmsg string The error message
errcode number Error code
data object Returns data

The structure of the data

Property Type Description
audit_id string The approval document ID
poi_id string Nearby location ID
related_credential string Business qualification document number

Note: Adding stores requires review and takes 1 to 2 business days

The service label id number, type, and service name table

Id type name (service name)
0 2 Custom service, customizable name (less than 10)
1 1 Delivery
2 1 Express
3 1 Charging
4 1 Appointment
5 1 Registered
6 1 Order
7 1 Preferential
8 1 Ride
9 1 Member
10 1 Pay
11 1 Queuing
12 1 Payment
13 1 Buy tickets
14 1 Come to the shop and bring it up
15 1 Scheduled

Frequency limit description

Add requests do not support consupportion calls at this time, and serial calls are recommended at intervals of 1s

An example of a request

"is_comm_nearby": "1", //值固定
"kf_info": "{\"open_kf\":true,\"kf_headimg\":\"\",\"kf_name\":\"Harden\"}",
"pic_list": "{\"list\":[\"\",\"\"]}",
"service_infos": "{\"service_infos\":[{\"id\":2,\"type\":1,\"name\":\"快递\",\"appid\":\"wx1373169e494e0c39\",\"path\":\"index\"},{\"id\":0,\"type\":2,\"name\":\"自定义\",\"appid\":\"wx1373169e494e0c39\",\"path\":\"index\"}]}",
"store_name": "羊村小马烧烤",
"contract_phone": "111111111",
"hour": "00:00-11:11",
"company_name": "深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司",
"credential": "156718193518281",
"address": "新疆维吾尔自治区克拉玛依市克拉玛依区碧水路15-1-8号(碧水云天广场)",
"qualification_list": "3LaLzqiTrQcD20DlX_o-OV1-nlYMu7sdVAL7SV2PrxVyjZFZZmB3O6LPGaYXlZWq",
"poi_id": ""

Returns the json example: "errcode":0, "errmsg": "ok", "data": "audit_id":416620525, "poi_id": 112333

Audit status notifications

The audit status is pushed through the event notification, and the push data format is XML

Sample data

  <status>3</status>                // 2: 审核失败 3: 审核通过
  <reason><![CDATA[xxx]]></reason>  //审核失败的理由

Description of the parameters

Parameters Description
audit_id Audit document id
status Audit Status (3: Audit Passed, 2: Audit Failed)
reason If the status is 2, the reason for the audit failure is returned
poi_id poi_id

Cloud calls

Cloud call is the ability provided by the small program Cloud Development to call WeChat open interfaces in cloud functions and need to be used in cloud functions via wx-server-sdk.

The interface method

The permissions for the nearbyPoi.add API need to be configured in config.json, details

Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
isCommNearby string Is Required, write dead as "1"
picList string Is Store pictures, up to 9, at least 1, upload store images such as store exterior, environmental facilities, merchandise services, etc., pictures will be displayed on the WeChat client's store page. T he image link is obtained the "Upload images within the image message" interface in the document's website. Required, the file format is bmp, png, jpeg, jpg, or gif, no more than 5M pic_list is a string, the content is a json
serviceInfos string Is The list of mandatory service labels is required and needs to be filled in
1, service label ID
2, service type tpye
3, service name name name
See service label id number, type and service name table below for detailed field format
5, the corresponding service landing page path: path path page to be consistent with the corresponding service label, such as choose takeaway service, path path should be the takeaway corresponding page of the small program, path path to get consulting development or to the small program management background - tools - generate small program code page to get
6, the new service description desc: describe the service content, such as full reduction, discount and other preferential information or new products, explosives and other commodity information, only standard services can be added, within 10 characters.
service_infos is a string and the content is a johnson
kfInfo string Is Customer service information optional, customizable service avatar and nickname, the specific fill-in field can be found in the following example kf_info pic_list is a string, the content is a johnson
storeName string Is Store name required, store name according to the selected geographical location to automatically pull Tencent Map store name, can not be modified, if you need to modify please reproduce the select map location or re-create the location.
hour string Is Hours, format 11:11-12:12 required
address string Is Address required
poiId string Is If you create a new store, poi_id field is empty If the store is updated, poi_id parameters fill in the options for the corresponding store poi_id the option
companyName string Is Subject name is required
contractPhone string Is Store phone required
credential string Is Qualification number required, 15 business license registration number or 9 organization code
qualificationList string Is Proof materials Required If company_name and the subject of the small program do not agree, need to fill in qualification_list, detailed rules see the nearby small program use guide - how to prove that the store's operating entity and the public number or small program account subject related
mapPoiId string Is Corresponding to the sosomap_poi_uid field in "Search for Stores in Tencent Map" Tencent map there are some data insignity, if you do not fill map_poi_id, the small probability will fail to submit!
poi_id relationship map_poi_id the world:
map_poi_id is the unique logo of Tencent Maps for poi
poi_id is the only sign of the store after it is moved into the vicinity

Returns a value


The returned JSON packet

Property Type Description
errMsg string The error message
errCode number Error code
data object Returns data

The structure of the data

Property Type Description
auditId string The approval document ID
poiId string Nearby location ID
relatedCredential string Business qualification document number



The exception thrown

Property Type Description
errMsg string The error message
errCode number Error code

The legal value of errCode

Value Description The lowest version

An example of a request

"is_comm_nearby": "1", //值固定
"kf_info": "{\"open_kf\":true,\"kf_headimg\":\"\",\"kf_name\":\"Harden\"}",
"pic_list": "{\"list\":[\"\",\"\"]}",
"service_infos": "{\"service_infos\":[{\"id\":2,\"type\":1,\"name\":\"快递\",\"appid\":\"wx1373169e494e0c39\",\"path\":\"index\"},{\"id\":0,\"type\":2,\"name\":\"自定义\",\"appid\":\"wx1373169e494e0c39\",\"path\":\"index\"}]}",
"store_name": "羊村小马烧烤",
"contract_phone": "111111111",
"hour": "00:00-11:11",
"company_name": "深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司",
"credential": "156718193518281",
"address": "新疆维吾尔自治区克拉玛依市克拉玛依区碧水路15-1-8号(碧水云天广场)",
"qualification_list": "3LaLzqiTrQcD20DlX_o-OV1-nlYMu7sdVAL7SV2PrxVyjZFZZmB3O6LPGaYXlZWq",
"poi_id": ""

Returns the json example: "errcode":0, "errmsg": "ok", "data": "audit_id":416620525, "poi_id": 112333