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Vant TreeSelect classification selection

May 07, 2021 Vant

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { TreeSelect } from 'vant';


Code demo

Single mode

Item displays the required data for classification, as shown in the example below. Main-active-index represents the index of the highlighted option on the left, and active-id represents the id of the highlighted option on the right

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeId: 1,
      activeIndex: 0

Multi-select mode

When active-id is array format, you can select several right-hand options

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeIds: [1, 2],
      activeIndex: 0

Custom content

The contents of the right-hand area can be customized with the content slot

  <template slot="content">
    <van-image v-if="active === 0" src="" rel="external nofollow"  />
    <van-image v-if="active === 1" src="" rel="external nofollow"  />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      active: 0,
      items: [{ text: '分组 1' }, { text: '分组 2' }]


When you set the dot property, a small red dot appears in the upper right corner of the icon. When you set the info property, the logo appears in the upper right corner of the icon

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeIndex: 0,
      items: [
        { text: '浙江', children: [], dot: true },
        { text: '江苏', children: [], info: 5 }



Parameters Description Type The default
items The category displays the required data Item[] []
height Height, the default unit px number | string 300
main-active-index The index of the selected item on the left number | string 0
active-id The id of the item selected on the right supports incoming arrays number | string |
(number | string) []
max v2.2.0 The number of general elections for the right item number | string Infinity


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
click-nav Triggered when you click on the left navigation index: The index of the navigation that was clicked
click-item Triggered when you click on the right-hand selection data: The data for the click


Name Description
content Customize the contents of the right area

Item data structure

Items are an array of objects that describe the classification, each with text representing the name of the current classification and children representing the options in the classification.

    // 导航名称
    text: '所有城市',
    // 导航名称右上角徽标
    info: 3,
    // 是否在导航名称右上角显示小红点
    dot: true,
    // 导航节点额外类名
    className: 'my-class',
    // 该导航下所有的可选项
    children: [
        // 名称
        text: '温州',
        // id,作为匹配选中状态的标识符
        id: 1,
        // 禁用选项
        disabled: true
        text: '杭州',
        id: 2

Example demonstration