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Vant Collapse folding panel

May 07, 2021 Vant

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { Collapse, CollapseItem } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

ActiveNames is an array format with v-model control of the expanded panel list

<van-collapse v-model="activeNames">
  <van-collapse-item title="标题1" name="1">内容</van-collapse-item>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题2" name="2">内容</van-collapse-item>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题3" name="3" disabled>内容</van-collapse-item>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeNames: ['1']


Accordion allows you to set up accordion mode and expand up to one panel, where activeName is in string format

<van-collapse v-model="activeName" accordion>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题1" name="1">内容</van-collapse-item>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题2" name="2">内容</van-collapse-item>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题3" name="3">内容</van-collapse-item>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeName: '1'

Customize the title content

<van-collapse v-model="activeNames">
  <van-collapse-item name="1">
    <div slot="title">标题1 <van-icon name="question-o" /></div>
  <van-collapse-item title="标题2" name="2" icon="shop-o">
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeNames: ['1']


Collapse Props

Parameters Description Type The default
v-model The name of the currently expanded panel Accordion mode: number | string
Non-accordion mode: (| string).
accordion Whether to turn on accordion mode boolean false
border Whether to display the outer border boolean true

Collapse Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
change Triggered when switching panels ActiveNames: The type is consistent with the value of the v-model binding

CollapseItem Props

Parameters Description Type The default
name Unique identifier, which defaults to an index value number | string index
icon The icon name or picture link to the left of the title bar string -
size The size of the title bar, with an optional large string -
title What's on the left side of the title bar number | string -
value What's on the right side of the title bar number | string -
label The title bar describes the information number | string -
border Whether to display the inner border boolean true
is-link Show the arrow to the right of the title bar and turn on tap feedback boolean true
disabled Whether to disable the panel boolean false
title-class The title on the left has an additional class name string -
value-class The content on the right has an additional class name string -
label-class Describes the additional class name of the information string -

CollapseItem Slots

Name Description
default Panel content
value Customize the display
icon Custom icon
title Custom title
right-icon Customize the right button, which defaults arrow

Example demonstration