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Vant Calendar calendar

May 07, 2021 Vant

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The calendar component is used to select a date or date interval, and version 2.4 starts to support this component


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Calendar } from 'vant';


Code demo

Select a single date

The following demonstrates the use of combining cells to use the calendar component, which triggers the conferring event when the date selection is complete

<van-cell title="选择单个日期" :value="date" @click="show = true" />
<van-calendar v-model="show" @confirm="onConfirm" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      date: '',
      show: false
  methods: {
    formatDate(date) {
      return `${date.getMonth() + 1}/${date.getDate()}`;
    onConfirm(date) { = false; = this.formatDate(date);

Select the date interval

When type is set to range, you can select a date interval, at which point the confirm event returns an array structure, with the first item of the array being the start time and the second item being the end time.

<van-cell title="选择日期区间" :value="date" @click="show = true" />
<van-calendar v-model="show" type="range" @confirm="onConfirm" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      date: '',
      show: false
  methods: {
    formatDate(date) {
      return `${date.getMonth() + 1}/${date.getDate()}`;
    onConfirm(date) {
      const [start, end] = date; = false; = `${this.formatDate(start)} - ${this.formatDate(end)}`;

Quick selection

Setting show-sure to false hides the confirmation button, in which case the conferm event is triggered immediately after the selection is complete

<van-calendar v-model="show" :show-confirm="false" />

Custom colors

The color of the calendar can be customized with the color of the color of the color, effective for the selected date and the bottom button

<van-calendar v-model="show" color="#07c160" />

Customize the date range

Define the range of calendars with min-date and max-date

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      show: false,
      minDate: new Date(2010, 0, 1),
      maxDate: new Date(2010, 0, 31)

Custom button text

Set the text of the button with the confirm-text, and set the text when the button is disabled by the confirm-disabled-text


Custom date document

Format the contents of each grid on the calendar by passing in the formatt function

export default {
  methods: {
    formatter(day) {
      const month = + 1;
      const date =;

      if (month === 5) {
        if (date === 1) {
          day.topInfo = '劳动节';
        } else if (date === 4) {
          day.topInfo = '五四青年节';
        } else if (date === 11) {
          day.text = '今天';

      if (day.type === 'start') {
        day.bottomInfo = '入住';
      } else if (day.type === 'end') {
        day.bottomInfo = '离店';

      return day;

Customize the pop-up location

Customize the pop-up position of the pop-up layer with theposition property, with the optional values top, left, right


The maximum range of the date range

When you select a date interval, you can specify the maximum number of optional days through the max-range property, and when you select a range that exceeds the maximum number of optional days, a prompt will pop up

  :style="{ height: '500px' }"

Tile display

Set popable to false, and the calendar appears directly on the page, rather than as a bullet layer

  :style="{ height: '500px' }"



Parameters Description Type The default
v-model Whether to display the calendar spring window boolean false
type Select type, single select a single date,
range the selection date interval
string single
title The calendar title string 日期选择
color Color, effective for the bottom button and the selected date string #ee0a24
min-date Minimum date Date The current date
max-date The maximum date Date Six months after the current date
default-date The date selected by default Date | Date[] Today
row-height The date line is high number | string 64
formatter The date format function (day: Day) => Day -
position Pop-up location with an optional top right left string bottom
poppable Whether to display the calendar in the form of a bullet layer boolean true
round Whether to display a rounded e-window boolean true
show-mark Whether to display the month background watermark boolean true
show-confirm Whether to display the confirmation button boolean true
close-on-popstate v2.4.4 Whether to close automatically when the page is rolled back boolean false
close-on-click-overlay Whether to close after tapping the matte layer boolean true
safe-area-inset-bottom Whether to turn on the bottom safety zone to fit boolean true
confirm-text Confirm the text of the button string 确定
confirm-disabled-text The text that confirms that the button is disabled string 确定
max-range v2.4.3 The date interval is optional for a maximum number of days, with no limit by default number | string -
range-prompt v2.4.3 Select the prompt case when it exceeds the interval range string 选择天数不能超过 xx 天
get-container v2.4.4 Specify the mounted node, using an example string | () => Element -

Day data structure

Each date in the calendar corresponds to a Day object, and the contents of the Day object can be customized through the formatter property

The key name Description Type
date The Date object for the date Date
type Date type, optional values selected start middle end disabled string
text The text that appears in the middle string
topInfo The prompt above string
bottomInfo The prompts below string
className Additional class names string


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
select Triggered when you click on any date value: Date | Date[]
confirm Triggered when the date selection is show-confirm true click the confirmation button to trigger value: Date | Date[]


Name Description
title Custom title
footer Customize the bottom area content


Ref allows you to get to the Calendar instance and call the instance method, as detailed in the component instance method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
reset Reset the selected date to the default - -


Failed to initialize components on iOS systems?

If you're having trouble rendering components on iOS, make sure you're not creating a Date object with a writing like new Date ('2020-01-01'), iOS doesn't support a date format separated by a midline, which is new Date ('2020/01/01').

A detailed explanation of this problem: stackoverflow .

Example demonstration