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Vant Picker Selector

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


Multiple sets of options are available for users to choose from, supporting single-column selection and multi-column cascading, typically in conjunction with pop-up layer components


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Picker } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

The Picker component configures option data through the columns property, and columns is an array that contains strings or objects

<van-picker :columns="columns" @change="onChange" />
import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: ['杭州', '宁波', '温州', '嘉兴', '湖州']
  methods: {
    onChange(picker, value, index) {
      Toast(`当前值:${value}, 当前索引:${index}`);

The default selection

When a single column is selected, the index of the initial selection can be set by the default-index property

<van-picker :columns="columns" :default-index="2" />

Show the top bar

When you set the show-toolbar property, the top action bar is displayed, the confirm event is triggered by clicking the confirmation button, and the cancel event is triggered by clicking the cancel button

import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: ['杭州', '宁波', '温州', '嘉兴', '湖州']
  methods: {
    onConfirm(value, index) {
      Toast(`当前值:${value}, 当前索引:${index}`);
    onCancel() {

Multi-column selection

The columns property allows you to configure multiple column selections

<van-picker show-toolbar title="标题" :columns="columns" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: [
        // 第一列
          values: ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五'],
          defaultIndex: 2
        // 第二列
          values: ['上午', '下午', '晚上'],
          defaultIndex: 1

Cascading selection

Use the children field of columns to achieve the effect of option cascading (supported from version 2.4.5)

<van-picker show-toolbar title="标题" :columns="columns" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: [{
        text: '浙江',
        children: [{
          text: '杭州',
          children: [{ text: '西湖区' }, { text: '余杭区' }]
        }, {
          text: '温州',
          children: [{ text: '鹿城区' }, { text: '瓯海区' }]
      }, {
        text: '福建',
        children: [{
          text: '福州',
          children: [{ text: '鼓楼区' }, { text: '台江区' }]
        }, {
          text: '厦门',
          children: [{ text: '思明区' }, { text: '海沧区' }]

Disable the option

The option can be an object structure and is disabled by setting the disabled

<van-picker :columns="columns" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: [
        { text: '杭州', disabled: true },
        { text: '宁波' },
        { text: '温州' }

Dynamically set options

The instance method on picker gives you more flexibility to control the selectors, for example by using the setColumnValues method for multi-column linkage

<van-picker :columns="columns" @change="onChange" />
const citys = {
  '浙江': ['杭州', '宁波', '温州', '嘉兴', '湖州'],
  '福建': ['福州', '厦门', '莆田', '三明', '泉州']

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: [
        { values: Object.keys(citys) },
        { values: citys['浙江'] }
  methods: {
    onChange(picker, values) {
      picker.setColumnValues(1, citys[values[0]]);

The load status

If the selector data is obtained asynchronously, the load prompt can be displayed through the loading property

<van-picker :columns="columns" :loading="loading" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      columns: [],
      loading: true
  created() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.loading = false;
      this.columns = ['选项'];
    }, 1000);

Use with a pop-up layer

In a real-world scenario, Picker is typically used as a secondary form to fill out, which can be achieved with Popup and Field

  @click="showPicker = true"
<van-popup v-model="showPicker" position="bottom">
    @cancel="showPicker = false"
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      value: '',
      showPicker: false,
      columns: ['杭州', '宁波', '温州', '嘉兴', '湖州']
  methods: {
    onConfirm(value) {
      this.value = value;
      this.showPicker = false;



Parameters Description Type The default
columns An array of objects, configuring the data displayed in each column Column[] []
title The title of the top bar string -
confirm-button-text Confirm the button text string 确认
cancel-button-text Cancel the button text string 取消
value-key In the option object, the key name for the option text string text
toolbar-position The top bar position, with an optional value of bottom string top
loading Whether to display the load status boolean false
show-toolbar Whether to display the top bar boolean false
allow-html v2.1.8 Whether to allow HTML to be rendered in the content of the option boolean true
default-index When a single column is selected, the index of the item is selected by default number | string 0
item-height The height of the option number | string 44
visible-item-count The number of visible options number | string 5
swipe-duration v2.2.10 The length of inertial scrolling when sliding quickly, in ms number | string 1000


When the selector has more than one column, the event callback parameter returns an array

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
confirm Triggered when the finish button is clicked Single column: Select the value, select the index corresponding to the value
Multiple columns: All columns select values, all columns select the index corresponding to the values
cancel Triggered when the cancel button is clicked Single column: Select the value, select the index corresponding to the value
Multiple columns: All columns select values, all columns select the index corresponding to the values
change Triggered when the option changes Single column: Picker instance, check value, check index corresponding to value
Multiple columns: Picker instance, all column-selected values, index for the current column


Name Description
default Customize the top bar content
title Customize the title content
columns-top What's above the custom options
columns-bottom What's below the custom options

Column data structure

When multiple columns of data are passed in, columns are an array of objects, each of which is configured with each column, each with the following key

The key name Description Type
values The alternative value in the column string[]
defaultIndex The index of the initially selected item, which defaults to 0 number
className Add additional class names to the corresponding columns any
children v2.4.5 Cascading options Column


Ref allows you to get to the Picker instance and call the instance method, as detailed in the component instance method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
getValues Gets the values selected for all columns - values
setValues Set the values selected for all columns values -
getIndexes Gets the index for all column-selected values - indexes
setIndexes Set the index for all column-selected values indexes -
getColumnValue Gets the value selected for the corresponding column columnIndex value
setColumnValue Set the value selected for the corresponding column columnIndex, value -
getColumnIndex Gets an index of the selected items for the corresponding column columnIndex optionIndex
setColumnIndex Set the index for the selected items for the corresponding column columnIndex, optionIndex -
getColumnValues Gets all the options in the corresponding column columnIndex values
setColumnValues Set all the options in the corresponding column columnIndex, values -
confirm v2.4.0 Stop inertial scrolling and trigger the confirm event - -


Can't operate components on the desktop side?

See Use on the desktop side.

Example demonstration