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Learn more about what java generics mean

May 30, 2021 Article blog

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Examples explain why generics are introduced

// 不使用泛型
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add("coding");          // 集合中可以添加不同类型的元素(集合就是这么设计的,主要是为了实现通用性,但也带来了弊端,泛型就是为了解决这个产生的)
list.add(1024);                         // 元素丢进集合中全部变成了Object
String result1 = list.get(0);           // 此行代码编译器不过
String result2 = (String)list.get(0);    // 如果想要还原集合中元素需要使用强制类型转换,强制类型转换可能引发异常,因为集合中元素类型有多种。
String result3 = (String)list.get(1);    // 此行代码运行时会报类型转换异常ClassCastException,所以说集合不使用泛型来限制数据类型的话很容易产生bug

The definition of a generic

1, through the introduction of the above example, we can conclude: generics are essentially parametric types, we can specify a type parameter for classes, interfaces, methods, through this parameter to limit the operation of the data type, so as to ensure the absolute security of type conversion.

2, basic usage: generic collection

// 使用泛型
List<String> str1 = new ArrayList<String>();     // 在<>中指定集合中元素类型
str1.add(1024);            // 此行代码编译器报错,也就是限制了集合中类型只能为String类型,避免了强制类型转化时出现异常

Other uses of generics

  • The example above tells us that generics can address weaknesses in collections, but generics do more than that.

Generic method

  • Generic methods need to add < T > before the method's return type is defined, which can be replaced with another letter, T represents what type of argument the method is, T can represent any wrapper type, and the basic type is not supported.
  • Generic methods do not explicitly specify the data type of their parameters, but do not determine the data type until the method is used. T he benefit is that a generic approach accepts different types of input parameters, reducing duplicate code. The following example is for illustration purposes only.
public class Generics_Test {
	// 泛型方法
	public static <T> void print(T[] arr) {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] str2 = {"test"};
		Integer[] num = {1024};

Generic class

  • Introducing background: When there are multiple generic methods in a class, generic classes are introduced in order to avoid the need to add < T> to indicate that they are generic methods when declaring each generic method.
// 泛型类
public class Generics_Test<T> {

	public static <T> void print(T[] arr) {      // static 仍然需要显示声明<T>,否则会报错,因为静态方法不要类实例化就能调用。
	public void printf(T[] arr) {               // 普通方法不需要再声明<T>
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Generics_Test<String> gt = new Generics_Test<String>();
		String[] str2 = {"test"};
		Generics_Test<Integer> gt1 = new Generics_Test<Integer>();
		Integer[] num = {1024};

Advanced usage of generics

Wildcard: <? >

  • With <?> you can do without specifying a parameter type, i.e. you do not have to declare < T > before the method returns a value
// 通配符<?>
public class Generics_Test {

	public static void print(List<?> arr) {       // 使用 <?> 可以不用指定参数类型,即不用在方法的返回值前声明<T>
		Object result = arr.get(0);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> str1 = new ArrayList<String>();

Wildcard: <? extends anyClass>

  • Java generics default to the possible instantiation of a generic class object using any wrapper type
public class Generics_Test<T extends Object> {  
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// 因为object是所有类型的父类,所以可以使用任何包装类型来实例化一个泛型类对象
		Generics_Test<ArrayList> arr1 = new Generics_Test<ArrayList>();
		Generics_Test<LinkedList> link1 = new Generics_Test<LinkedList>();
		Generics_Test<HashMap> str1 = new Generics_Test<HashMap>();
  • Limit the types available to generic classes. T extends anyClass The generic class accepts a type that must inherit or implement anyClass (where anyClass represents a class or interface)
public class Generics_Test<T extends List> {   
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Generics_Test<ArrayList> arr1 = new Generics_Test<ArrayList>();
		Generics_Test<LinkedList> link1 = new Generics_Test<LinkedList>();
		Generics_Test<List> list1 = new Generics_Test<List>();      
		Generics_Test<HashMap> hashmap1 = new Generics_Test<HashMap>(); // 此行代码会报错,因为HashMap没有实现List接口

Inheritance of generic classes

public class Generics_Test<T1>{
class SonGenericsClass<T1,T2,T3> extends Generics_Test<T1>{

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