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May 25, 2021 Grunt

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Output information to the console.

See log lib source for more information.

The log API

Grunt's output should look consistent and beautiful. T herefore, there are these log methods and some useful patterns. All methods used to output logs can be called chained.

Note: All methods in grunt.verbose when the --verbose option is specified on the command line and work exactly like .log in grunt.log

grunt.log.write / grunt.verbose.write

Outputs msg string log, ending without a newline.


grunt.log.writeln / grunt.verbose.writeln

Outputs msg string log with a line break at the end.


grunt.log.error / grunt.verbose.error

If the msg omitted, >> msg ERROR is output in red font, otherwise it is output with a line break at the tail.


grunt.log.errorlns / grunt.verbose.errorlns

Use grunt.log.error to log an error grunt.log.wraptext output the log as 80 characters per line.


grunt.log.ok / grunt.verbose.ok

If the msg omitted, >> msg OK is output in a green font, otherwise it is output and has a line break at the tail.


grunt.log.oklns / grunt.verbose.oklns

Use grunt.log.ok record an ok message, and grunt.log.wraptext output logs as 80 characters per line.


grunt.log.subhead / grunt.verbose.subhead

Record the msg string and bold it with a line break at the end.


grunt.log.writeflags / grunt.verbose.writeflags

Record obj (best used to debug flags).

grunt.log.writeflags(obj, prefix)

grunt.log.debug / grunt.verbose.debug

A debug message is logged, but is output only if the --debug on the command line.


Verbose and Notverbose

All grunt.verbose work much like the grunt.log they correspond to, but they only work if you specify --verbose command line option. T here is also a corresponding "notverbose" for grunt.log.notverbose grunt.log.verbose.or In fact, .or property can also be used to effectively switch verbose and notverbose

grunt.verbose / grunt.log.verbose

This object grunt.log but it outputs log information only if the --verbose command line option is specified.


grunt.verbose.or / grunt.log.notverbose

This object also grunt.log but it outputs log information only if --verbose command line option is not specified.


Tool method

These methods don't actually log, they only return strings, and the strings returned can be used for other methods.


Returns a comma-separated list of arr array items. arr in the arr array are returned as comma segments.

grunt.log.wordlist(arr [, options])

options have the following properties and defaults:

var options = {
  // The separator string (can be colored).
  separator: ', ',
  // The array item color (specify false to not colorize).
  color: 'cyan',


Remove all color information from the string to make it suitable for detecting .length or writing to log files.



Breaking width string as a set of width text and adding the \n of . . . will try to ensure that the word is not truncated from the middle unless absolutely necessary.

grunt.log.wraptext(width, text)


The width string is broken down as a text characters. W rap texts array of strings to columns widths characters wide. A wrapper for the grunt.log.wraptext method that can be used to generate output in columns.

grunt.log.table(widths, texts)


The usual pattern is to output --verbose mode or when an error occurs, as follows:

grunt.registerTask('something', 'Do something interesting.', function(arg) {
  var msg = 'Doing something...';
  try {
    // Success!
  } catch(e) {
    // Something went wrong.
    grunt.verbose.or.write(msg).error().error(e.message);'Something went wrong.');

Explain the above code:

  1. grunt.verbose.write(msg); Log information (no line breaks) is output only in --verbose mode.
  2. grunt.verbose.ok(); Output log information in green and line breaks at the end.
  3. grunt.verbose.or.write(msg).error().error(e.message); Here are a few things you can do:
    1. grunt.verbose.or.write(msg) log information if it is not in --verbose mode, and notverbose object.
    2. .error() the ERROR log in red, ends with a line break, and returns notverbose object.
    3. .error(e.message); Output the actual error message (and return notverbose object).
  4.'Something went wrong.'); Output the warning message in tender yellow. Output exit code 1 --force unless the --force option is specified on the command line.

Check the source code for the grunt-contrib-?task for more cases.