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Posts about Grunt

Grunt documentation

May 25, 2021 20:00 0 Comment Grunt

Grunt documentation, Grunt documentation, Grunt overview, Grunt get started quickly, Grunt configuration tasks, Gruntfile instance, Grunt creates the task, Grunt creates t

Grunt overview

May 25, 2021 20:00 0 Comment Grunt

Grunt -- a building tool for the JavaScript world, Grunt -- a building tool for the JavaScript world, Why build tools?, Why use Grunt?, Grunt -- a building tool for the JavaScript world, Why build tools?, In a word: automation. F, or tasks that need to be repeated over and over again,

Grunt get started quickly

May 25, 2021 20:00 0 Comment Grunt

Install the CLI, Install the CLI, How the CLI works, Take a copy of the existing Grunt program, Prepare a new Grunt project, package.json, Gruntfile, Get started quickly, The Grunt and Grunt, plug-ins are installed, and managed through npm,, the .js, of nodes., Grunt 0.4.x must be .js version of Nod

Grunt configuration tasks

May 25, 2021 20:00 0 Comment Grunt

Grunt configuration, Grunt configuration, Task configuration and target, Options properties, File, Template, Import external data, Configure the task, This guide explains how to use Gruntfile to configure task for your project., If you don't yet know what Gruntfile is, read, the Q

Gruntfile instance

May 25, 2021 20:00 0 Comment Grunt

Gruntfile instance, Gruntfile instance, Here's a simple analysis of a Gruntfile case, which can also be used as an example:, module.exports = function(grunt) {, grunt.ini

Grunt creates the task

May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

The task alias, The task alias, Multitasth mission, Basic tasks, Custom tasks, CLI parameters / environment, Why isn't my asynchronous task complete?, Additional references, Create a task, The task is Grunt's bread and cream. J, ust like your usual tools, such, jshint, or, nodeunit, Whenever you run Grunt, you can assign i

Grunt creates the plug-in

May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

Attention, Attention, Create a plug-in, Install, npm install -g grunt-init, grunt-init command., Install, git clone git:// ~/.g

Grunt uses command-line tools

May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

Install the command line tool, Install the command line tool, Use the command line tool, Install the command line tool, Perform, sudo npm install -g grunt-cli, grunt, command-line interface provides a range of op


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

Config, Config, Create a task, Loading Externally-Defined Tasks, Warnings and fatal errors, Command-line arguments, Miscellaneous, grunt, Grunt, grunt, and properties through the grunt, module.exports, which are, passed to your Gruntfile,, Grunt plug-in,, or task, file., Almost al


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

Initialize the configuration data, Initialize the configuration data, Get configuration data, Requiring Config Data, grunt.config, Get configuration data for the current project from, Gruntfile, Note that any method marked ☃ (unicode snowman) can also be accessed dir


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

grunt.event, grunt.event, Only the most important methods are listed on this, page, and the complete EventEmitter2 API, grunt.event, object. T, he event namespace


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

Character encoding, Character encoding, Read and write the file, Directory operations, Pattern match, Determine the file type, Path, The external tool library, grunt.file, There are many ways to read and write files, traverse the file system, and find files through pattern matching., Many of these methods are


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

The log API, The log API, Verbose and Notverbose, Tool method, Case, grunt.log, Output information to the console., See, log lib source, for more information., The log API, Grunt's output should look consistent and beau


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

grunt.option, grunt.option, Grunt's option API is used to share parameters between multiple tasks and access parameters set on the command line., A simple case is t


May 25, 2021 21:00 0 Comment Grunt

The task API, The task API, Create a task, Load externally defined tasks, Queue task, grunt.task, Register, execute, and load external tasks., See, task lib source and, task, util lib source for, more information., The task API, Grunt e