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What's the difference between es6 and ecmascript 2015?

Asked by Rodney Hill on Dec 02, 2021 ES6

ECMAScript 6 is also known as ES6 and ECMAScript 2015. Some people call it JavaScript 6. This chapter will introduce some of the new features in ES6. JavaScript let. JavaScript const. JavaScript Arrow Functions. JavaScript Classes.
JavaScript is an language whereas es6 is an ecmascript's 6th edition. Ecmascript is an standard for scripting language. It's an significant update on JavaScript which adds on various features that were available to other libs like underscorejs, lodash etc.
Also Know, It is a function contractors focus on how the objects are instantiated. For ES5 you have to write function keyword and return, to be used to define the function, like normal general JavaScript language. 2. ECMAScript 6 (ES6) : ES6 is also known as ECMAScript 2015 as it is released in 2015.
The 6 th edition of ECMAScript is ECMAScript6 or ES6. It is also named as ECMAScript 2015. It helps to write programs for complex applications. It supports classes for object orientation. It contains modules.
There is not difference in expressivity of TypeScript and ES6. The difference is that TypeScript compiler helps you with static analysis of your code. Otherwise, whatever you can program in ES6, you can program in TypeScript and the other way around. Typescript is a compiler that creates ecmascript.