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Posts about ES6

Introduction to ECMAScript 6 tutorials

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

Introduction to ECMAScript 6 tutorials, Introduction to ECMAScript 6 tutorials, Babel transcoder, profile.babelrc, Command line transcoding, babel-node, @babel/register module, polyfill, The browser environment, Introduction to ECMAScript 6 tutorials, ES6: Full name ECMAScript 6.0, ECMAScript is the international standard for JavaScript languages, and JavaScri

Introduction to ES6

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

Introduction to ES6, Introduction to ES6, The relationship between ECMAScript and JavaScript, Relationship between ES6 and ECMAScript 2015, The approval process for grammar proposals, The history of ECMAScript, Introduction to ES6, ECMAScript 6.0, ES6, is the next-generation standard for javaScript languages and was officially released in June 2015. I, ts goa

ES6 let with const

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

1. let command, 1. let command, There is no variable promotion, Temporary dead zone, Duplicate declarations are not allowed, 2. Block-level scope, Block-level scope of ES6, Block-level scopes and function declarations, 3. Const command, ES6 declares six methods of variables, 4. The properties of the top-level object, 5. GlobalThis object, 1. let command, Basic usage, ES6, let, command to declare variables., It is similar to var in use, but the declared variable is valid only within the

ES6 deconstructs assignments

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Deconstructed assignment of the array, 1. Deconstructed assignment of the array, The default, 2. The deconstruction assignment of the object, The default, Note the point, 3. Deconstructed assignment of strings, 4. Deconstructed assignments for values and boolean values, 5. Deconstructed assignment of function parameters, 6. The question of parentheses, 7. Use, 1. Deconstructed assignment of the array, Basic usage, ES6 allows variables to be assigned values from arrays and objects in a certain, 解构, known as d

Extension of the ES6 string

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

1. The Unicode notation of the character, 1. The Unicode notation of the character, 2. The string's traverser interface, 3. Enter U-2028 and U-2029 directly, 4. Renovation of JSON.stringify()., 5. Template string, 6. Example: Template compilation, 7. Label template, 8. The limit of the template string, 1. The Unicode notation of the character, ES6, Unicode, allowing a character to be represented in the form of s uxxxx, where xxxx represents the Unico

A new method for ES6 strings

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

1. String.fromCodePoint(), 1. String.fromCodePoint(), 2. String.raw(), 3. Example method: codePointAt(), 4. Example method: normalize(), 5. Example methods: includes(), startsWith(), endsWith(), 6. Example method: repeat(), 7. Example method: padStart(), padEnd(), 8. Example method: trimStart(), trimEnd(), 9. Example method: matchAll(), 1. String.fromCodePoint(), ES5, String.fromCharCode(), returning the corresponding character, Unicode, code point, but this method does not recognize

Extension of ES6 rules

May 08, 2021 12:00 0 Comment ES6

1. RegExp constructor, 1. RegExp constructor, 2. The positive method of the string, 3. u modifier, 4. RegExp.prototype.unicode property, 5. y modifier, 6. RegExp.prototype.sticky property, 7. RegExp.prototype.flags property, 8. s modifier: dotAll mode, 9. Post-assertion, 10. Unicode property class, 11. Named group matches, 12. The positives match the index, 13. String.prototype.matchAll(), 1. RegExp constructor, In ES5, there are two cases in which the parameters of the, RegExp, 两种, used., In the first case, the argument is, 字符串, at whic

Extension of the ES6 value

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Binary and octal notation, 1. Binary and octal notation, 2. Number.isFinite(), Number.isNaN(), 3. Number.parseInt(), Number.parseFloat(), 4. Number.isInteger(), 5. Number.EPSILON, 6. Security integer and Number.isSafeInteger(), 7. Extension of the Math object, The number-to-right method, The two-curve function method, 8. Exponential operator, 9. BigInt data type, 1. Binary and octal notation, ES6, 二进制, 八进制, values, represented by the prefixes 0b (or 0B) and 0o (or 0O), respectively., 0b111110111 === 503 // true

Extension of the ES6 function

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. The default value for function parameters, 1. The default value for function parameters, 2. Rest parameter, 3. Strict mode, 4. name property, 5. Arrow function, 6. Tail call optimization, 7. The end comma of the function argument, 8. Function.prototype.toString(), 9. The parameters of the catch command are omitted, 1. The default value for function parameters, Basic usage, Prior to ES6, the default value could not be specified directly for the parameters of the f

Extension of the ES6 array

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Extended operator, 1. Extended operator, The application of the extension operator, 2. Array.from(), 3. Array.of(), 4. CopyWithin() for array instances, 5. Find() and findIndex() for array instances, 6. Fill() for array instances, 7. Entries (), keys() and values () for array instances, 8. Includes() for array instances, 9. Flat(), flatMap() for array instances, 10. Empty spaces for the array, 11. Sort stability of Array.prototype.sort()., 1. Extended operator, Meaning, 扩展运算符, (spread) is three points (... ), 。, It is like an inverse operation of the rest parameter, which converts an arr

Extension of the ES6 object

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. The concise notation of the property, 1. The concise notation of the property, 2. Property name expression, 3. The name property of the method, 4. The enumerability and traversal of the property, The traversal of the property, 5. Super keyword, 6. The extended operator of the object, 7. Chain judgment operator, 8. Null judgment operator, 1. The concise notation of the property, ES6 allows variables and functions to be written directly in braces as properties and methods of objects., Th

The new method for ES6 objects

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1., 1., 2. Object.assign(), Note the point, Common uses, 3. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(), 4. Proto Properties, Object.setPrototypeOf(), Object.getPrototypeOf(), Object.setPrototypeOf(), Object.getPrototypeOf(), 5. Object.keys(),Object.values(),Object.entries(), 6. Object.fromEntries(), 1., ES5 compares whether two values are, 相等运算符, with only two operators: the equal operator , and the, 严格相等运算符, equal operator , . T, hey

ES6 Symbol

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Overview, 1. Overview, 2. Symbol.prototype.description, 3. Symbol as the property name, 4. Example: Eliminates magic strings, 5. Traversal of the property name, 6. Symbol.for(),Symbol.keyFor(), 7. Example: Singleton mode for modules, 8. The built-in Symbol value, Symbol.hasInstance, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, Symbol.species, Symbol.match, Symbol.replace,, Symbol.split, Symbol.iterator, Symbol.toPrimitive, Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.unscopables, 1. Overview, ES5, object property names are, 字符串, which can easily cause conflicts, 属性名, names. F, or example, if you use an object that someone else

ES6 Set and Map data structure

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Set, 1. Set, The properties and methods of the Set instance, Traverse the operation, 2. WeakSet, Map, The properties and operation methods of the instance, The traversal method, Transform with other data structures, 4. WeakMap, The syntax of WeakMap, 1. Set, Basic usage, ES6, a new data structure, Set, It is, 数组, array, but the values of members are unique and have no duplicate values., Set itself

ES6 Proxy

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Overview, 1. Overview, 2. The method of the Proxy instance, 3. Proxy.revocable(), 4. This problem, 5. Instance: The client of the Web service, 1. Overview, Proxy, is used to modify the default behavior of certain operations, equivalent to making changes at the language, “元编程”(, that is, progr