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Posts about ES6

Extension of the ES6 value

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Binary and octal notation, 1. Binary and octal notation, 2. Number.isFinite(), Number.isNaN(), 3. Number.parseInt(), Number.parseFloat(), 4. Number.isInteger(), 5. Number.EPSILON, 6. Security integer and Number.isSafeInteger(), 7. Extension of the Math object, The number-to-right method, The two-curve function method, 8. Exponential operator, 9. BigInt data type, 1. Binary and octal notation, ES6, 二进制, 八进制, values, represented by the prefixes 0b (or 0B) and 0o (or 0O), respectively., 0b111110111 === 503 // true

The new method for ES6 objects

May 08, 2021 13:00 0 Comment ES6

1., 1., 2. Object.assign(), Note the point, Common uses, 3. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(), 4. Proto Properties, Object.setPrototypeOf(), Object.getPrototypeOf(), Object.setPrototypeOf(), Object.getPrototypeOf(), 5. Object.keys(),Object.values(),Object.entries(), 6. Object.fromEntries(), 1., ES5 compares whether two values are, 相等运算符, with only two operators: the equal operator , and the, 严格相等运算符, equal operator , . T, hey

The basic syntax of ES6 Class

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Introduction, 1. Introduction, The constructor method, An instance of the class, Take-value functions (getter) and save functions (setter), Property expression, Class expression, Note the point, 2. Static method, 3. A new way to write an instance property, 4. Static properties, 5. Private methods and private properties, 6. property, 1. Introduction, The from which the class came from, In the JavaScript language, the traditional way to generate instance objects is through, 构造函数, He

Specification files for ES6

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Overview, 1. Overview, Terminology, Abstract operations, Record and field, [[Notation]], Completion Record, 3. Standard processes for abstract operations, 4. Equal operator, 5. Empty spaces for the array, 6. The map method for the array, 1. Overview, Specification files are the official standards of computer language, detailing grammar rules and implementation methods., In general, the

ES6 programming style

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Block-level scope, 1. Block-level scope, 2. String, 3. Deconstruct the assignment, 4. Object, 5. Array, 6. Functions, 7. Map structure, 8. Class, 9. Modules, 10. Use of ESLint, 1. Block-level scope, (1) let replaces var, ES6 presents commands for two new declaration, let, const, Where,, let, completely replace, var, because t

The loading implementation of the ES6 Module

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Browser loading, 1. Browser loading, 2. Differences between the ES6 module and the CommonJS module, 3. Node .js loaded, The ES6 module loads the CommonJS module, The CommonJS module loads the ES6 module, Node .js built-in modules, Load the path, The internal variable, 4. Loop load, How the CommonJS module is loaded, The loop load of the CommonJS module, Loop loading of ES6 modules, 1. Browser loading, Traditional methods, In HTML web pages, the, <script>, scripts with the hashtag ., <!-- 页面内嵌的脚本 --><script type="application/javas

The syntax of ES6 Module

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Overview, 1. Overview, 2. Strict mode, 3. Export command, 4. Import command, 5. The overall load of the module, 6. Export default command, 7. The compounding of export and import, 8. Inheritance of modules, 9. Cross-module constants, 10. import(), 1. Overview, Historically, JavaScript has, 模块, a module system, unable to split a large program into interdependent small files and put them together

Inheritance of ES6 Class

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Introduction, 1. Introduction, 2. Object.getPrototypeOf(), 3. Super keyword, 4. The class's prototype property and proto property, 5. Inheritance of the native constructor, 6. Implementation of the Mixin pattern, 1. Introduction, Class can be inherited through, 继承, Class, keyword, which is much clearer and easier than ES5's implementation of inheritance by modi

ES6 async function

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Meaning, 1. Meaning, Basic usage, 3. Grammar, 4. How the async function is implemented, 5. Comparison with other asynchronous processing methods, 6. Example: Asynchronous operations are completed in order, 7. Top-level await, 1. Meaning, ES2017, standard introduces, async, making asynchronous operation easier., What is the async function?, In a word, it's the, Generator, su

Asynchronous application of the ES6 Generator function

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

Traditional methods, Traditional methods, Basic concepts, 3. Generator function, 4. Thunk function, 5. co module, Traditional methods, Before ES6 was born, there were probably four ways to program asynchronously., Callback function, Event monitoring, Publish/subsc

The syntax of the ES6 Generator function

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Introduction, 1. Introduction, 2. yield expression, Relationship with the Iterator interface, 2. The parameters of the next method, 3. for... Of loop, 4. Generator.prototype.throw(), 5. Generator.prototype.return(), 6. Commonality of next(), throw(), return()., 7. yield-expression, 8. Generator function as an object property, 9. This of the Generator function, Meaning, 11. Application, 1. Introduction, Basic concepts, Generator, are an asynchronous programming solution provided by ES6,, 异步编程, the syntax behaves completely differently

ES6 Iterator with for... Of loop

May 08, 2021 14:00 0 Comment ES6

1. The concept of Iterator (traverser)., 1. The concept of Iterator (traverser)., 2. Default Iterator interface, 3. The occasion when the Iterator interface is called, 4. The String's Iterator interface, 5. Iterator interface with Generator function, 6. Return(), throw() of the traverser object, 7. for... Of loop, Array, Set and Map structures, Calculate the resulting data structure, An array-like object, Object, Comparison with other traversal syntax, 1. The concept of Iterator (traverser)., JavaScript's original data structure,, 数组, which represents, “集合”, is dominated by, 对象, and objects, and ES6,

Asynchronous traverser for ES6

May 08, 2021 15:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Problems with the sync traverser, 1. Problems with the sync traverser, 2. The interface that is asynchronously traversed, 3. for await... of, 4. Asynchronous Generator function, 5. yield statement, 1. Problems with the sync traverser, As the Traverser chapter says, the Iterator interface is a protocol for data traversal, and whenever you call, ne


May 08, 2021 15:00 0 Comment ES6

ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer, 1. ArrayBuffer object, 2. TypedArray view, 3. Composite view, 4. DataView view, 5. Application of binary arrays, 6. SharedArrayBuffer, 7. Atomics object, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, views,, DataView, views are an interface for JavaScript to manipulate binary data. T, hese objects have long exi

ES6's latest proposal

May 08, 2021 15:00 0 Comment ES6

1. Do expression, 1. Do expression, 2. Throw expression, 3. Partial execution of the function, Note the point, 4. Pipeline operator, 5. Numeric separator, 6. Math.signbit(), 7. Double colon operator, 8. Realm API, 9. #! Command, 10. import.meta, 1. Do expression, In essence, a block-level scope is a statement that encapsulates multiple operations without returning a value., { let t = f(); t =