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Posts about MyBatis

Get started with MyBatis

May 16, 2021 15:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Get started with MyBatis, Installation, To use MyBatis,, simply place the mybatis-x.x.x.jar, file in the classpath., If you, are using Maven, to build a project, you need to pl

MyBatis XML configuration

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

XML mapping profile, XML mapping profile, properties, settings, typeAliases, typeHandlers, The enumerity type is processed, Object Factory, Plugins, Configure the environment, databaseIdProvider, Mappers, XML mapping profile, MyBatis's profile contains settings and properties that affect myBatis's behavior., properties, These properties are externally c

MyBatis XML mapping file

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Mapper XML file, Mapper XML file, Mapper XML file, The real power of MyBatis lies in its mapping statements and its magic. B, ecause of its unusually powerful, the maper's XML files ar

MyBatis Dynamic SQL

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, if, choose, when, otherwise, trim, where, set, Foreach, bind, Multi-db vendor support, The scripting language that can be plugged in dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, One of the powerful features of MyBatis is its dynamic SQL. I, f you have experience with JDBC or other similar frameworks, you can see h

MyBatis Java API

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Java API, Java API, Apply the directory structure, SqlSessions, Java API, Now that you know how to configure MyBatis and create mapping files, you're ready to upgrade your skills. M, yBatis' Java API is where you g

MyBatis SQL Statement Builder

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

SQL Statement Builder, SQL Statement Builder, SQL Statement Builder, Problem, One of the most painful things Java programmers face is embedding SQL statements in Java code. T, his is usually done

MyBatis log

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Logging, Logging, Logging Configuration, Logging, Mybatis' built-in log factory provides log functionality with several tools for specific log implementations:, SLF4J, Apache Commons Logging,

MyBatis FAQ collection

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

MyBatis FAQ collection, Summarize some of the basic common Mybatis problems, convenient for themselves, convenient for readers to learn, not much content, 1, greater than the

The difference between MyBatis and ORM

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

The difference between MyBatis and ORM, mybatis belongs to half orm because sql statements need to be written by themselves., Unlike other more standard ORM frameworks, such as Hibernate, my

MyBatis implements pedding

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

MyBatis implements pedding, 1. The, original method, using limit, needs, to handle the plying logic yourself:, For, mysql databases, you can use limit, such as:, select * from ta

Mybatis has four pedding methods

May 16, 2021 16:00 0 Comment MyBatis

Array peddles, Array peddles, sql pedding, Interceptor peddles, RowBounds peddles, Array peddles, Query out all the data, and then intercept the required part of the list., mybatis interface, List<Student> queryStudentsByArray();, xm

The difference between the two in MyBatis

May 16, 2021 17:00 0 Comment MyBatis

The difference between the two in MyBatis, #{}, Is precompiled processing, like the data passed in will be added a "" (#将传入的数据都当成一个字符串, will automatically pass in the data with a double quote),

There are several ways the MyBatis interface is bound

May 16, 2021 17:00 0 Comment MyBatis

There are several ways the MyBatis interface is bound, Interface binding is available in two ways, 1, the use of annotations, in the interface method above the @Select@Update and other annotations, which a

MyBatis Dynamic Sql Statement (OGNL Syntax)

May 16, 2021 17:00 0 Comment MyBatis

1、if, 1、if, 2、where, 3、choose(when、otherwise), 4、tirm, 5、set, 6、foreach, 1、if, <select id="select" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE state = ‘ACTIVE’ <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </if><if test

MyBatis Like fuzzy queries come in several ways

May 16, 2021 17:00 0 Comment MyBatis

MyBatis Like fuzzy queries come in several ways, Mode 1:$ this way, simple, but can not prevent SQL injection, so it is not recommended to use, LIKE '%${name}%', Mode 2:, #, LIKE "%"#{name}"%", Inter