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What's the difference between browser fetch and node-fetch?

Asked by Stephen Proctor on Dec 03, 2021 Browser information

The browser fetch API and node-fetch are implementations of this specification. The biggest and most important difference between fetch and its predecessor XHR is the fact that it's built around Promises.
The current versions are axios 0.21.1, node.fetch 1.0.0, request 2.88.2, reqwest 2.0.5 and superagent 6.1.0 . axios , Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js. It was authored by Matt Zabriskie on Aug, 2014. node.fetch , fetch for node. It was authored by yeliex on May, 2016. request , Simplified HTTP request client.
And, Differences between Axios and Fetch: Axios. Fetch. Axios has url in request object. Fetch has no url in request object. Axios is a stand-alone third party package that can be easily installed. Fetch is built into most modern browsers; no installation is required as such. Axios enjoys built-in XSRF protection.
One may also ask,
Fetch is a specification that aims to standardize what a request, response, and everything in between, which the standard declares as fetching (hence the name fetch ). The browser fetch API and node-fetch are implementations of this specification.
You might need to fetch data from or post data to an external web server or API. Using client-side JavaScript, this can be achieved using the fetch API and the window.fetch () function. In NodeJS, several packages/libraries can achieve the same result. One of them is the node-fetch package.