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Which is asp-validation-for-tag helper in core?

Asked by Maison York on Nov 29, 2021 ASP.NET

It can be achieved by asp-validation-for tag helper. It adds the data-valmsg-for="property name" attribute to the element which it carries for example span. It attaches the validation message on the input field of the specified Model property. The client-side validation can be done with jQuery. It is an alternative to Html.ValidationMessageFor.
This article explains about the validation tag helpers of ASP.NET Core MVC. There are two validation tag helpers available. Validation Message Tag Helper: It displays the validation message for a single property of a Model. Validation Summary Tag Helper: It displays a summary of validation messages for all the properties of a Model.
Likewise, To display validation errors use asp-validation-for and asp-validation-summary tag helpers. This asp-validation-for tag helper displays a validation message for a single property of our Eployee model class. asp-validation-summary tag helper displays a summary of validation errors.
The Input Tag Helper consumes the model metadata and produces HTML5 data-val-* attributes (see Model Validation ). These attributes describe the validators to attach to the input fields. This provides unobtrusive HTML5 and jQuery validation.
Validation Summary Tag Helper: It displays a summary of validation messages for all the properties of a Model. The input tag helper adds a client-side validation to the input elements based on the data annotation defined in our Model class. The validation tag helper displays the error messages for invalid inputs.