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How to use jsp servlet and hibernate in a web application?

Asked by Ledger Hull on Dec 05, 2021 Web Services

In this article, we are building a simple User Management web application using JSP, Servlet, and Hibernate. This web application manages a collection of users with the basic feature: list, insert, update, delete (or CURD operations - Create, Update, Read and Delete).
In this manner,
Here is a code for creating, updating, deleting and reading using JSP and Hibernate. This code is tested in Netbeans 8.0.2. 1. File –>New Project –> Java Web –>Web Application (Choose Project) 2. Web Application name –>jsphiber then click–> Next (Name and Location) 4.
Thereof, The servlets will then process the requests, prepare data (or save data, if we're adding a user), and transfer control to the appropriate JSP files, which then "render" the result. We'll store the data in a plain vanilla list (List). If you index.jsp in your web folder, delete it.
Sample Java Web Application using Servlets and JSP Step 1: Create a maven project in intellij idea.. Step 2: Insert the tomcat maven plugin (Optional for Intellij Idea Ultimate users). Add the following tomcat plugin... Step 3: Creating the web app. Let's create the entry HTML page for our Liquor ...
Also Know,
W ith servlet, if we want to do some operations on the database, then we can also use hibernate ORM rather than JDBC . We call this as servlet-Hibernate integration.