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What are the basic commands in unix?

Asked by Boone Dominguez on Dec 14, 2021 UNIX Getting started

Useful Commands in Unix – Tutorials List Unix Basic and Advanced Commands (cal, date, banner, who, whoami ) (this tutorial) Unix File System Commands (touch, cat, cp, mv, rm, mkdir) Unix Processes Control Commands (ps, top, bg, fg, clear, history) Unix Utilities Programs Commands (ls, which, man, su, sudo, find, du, df)
UNIX commands are strings of characters typed in at the keyboard. To run a command, you just type it in at the keyboard and press the ENTER key. We will look at several of the most common commands below. UNIX extends the power of commands by using special flags or switches. These switches are one of the most powerful features of UNIX commands.
And, Parts of a Unix command include the command name itself plus options, filnames, and arguments. An option on a Unix command tells Unix to perform the command in a particular way. Most Unix options are composed using a minus sign - followed by one or more letters.
Unix and Linux backup and restore can be done using backup commands tar, cpio ufsdump, dump and restore. Though these commands may be sufficient for small setups in order to take a enterprise backup you have to go in for some custom backup and restore solutions like Symatic netbackup, EMC networker or Amanda.
JoinCommands, Leave commands & Console commands JoinCommands is a command where you can run multiple commands at once when you join the server! This plugin was suggested through someone from a PM but I forgot to do it, sorry :(! %player% Variable