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How to audit spring boot in spring boot?

Asked by Hadleigh Cole on Dec 12, 2021 Spring

To let the Spring Boot knows about these audit fields, you have to annotate the fields with @CreatedBy and @LastModifiedBy to track the user who created or updated the entity as well as @CreatedDate and @LastModifiedDate to log the time when these changes were made. Here is how our Auditable abstract class looks like:
One may also ask,
To enable the auditing feature in Spring Boot, we can make use of Spring Data JPA's @CreateDate, @CreatedBy, @LastModifiedDate, and @LastModifiedBy annotations. You can add these annotations either directly to your entity classes or by extending an abstract class that defines annotated audit fields.
Keeping this in consideration, There are many ways to create a Spring Boot application. The simplest way is to use Spring Initializr at, which is an online Spring Boot application generator. Spring Boot:2.0.5 Once, all the details are entered, click on Generate Project button will generate a spring boot project and downloads it.
In respect to this,
To enable auditing in your application you must add @EnableJpaAuditing to configuration class. Spring Data JPA framework provides an abstract layer over traditional JPA by extending it. Spring Data JPA improves the implementation of data access layers by reducing the developer’s effort.
In addition,
The Spring Framework is an open-source solution that helps Java developers create enterprise-level applications. One of the more-popular projects that is built on top of that platform is Spring Boot, which provides a simplified approach for creating stand-alone Java applications.