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WeChat small program event

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

What is an event

  • Events are how the view layer communicates to the logical layer.
  • Events can feedback the user's behavior to the logical layer for processing.
  • Events can be bound to a component, and when a trigger event is reached, the corresponding event handler in the logical layer is executed.
  • Event objects can carry additional information such as id, dataset, touches.

How events are used

  • Bind an event handler in a component.

For bindtap when the user clicks on the component, the appropriate event handler is found in page on the page.

<view id="tapTest" data-hi="WeChat" bindtap="tapName"> Click me! </view>
  • Write the appropriate event handler in the corresponding Page definition, and the argument is event.
  tapName: function(event) {
  • You can see that the information from the log is roughly as follows
    "type": "tap",
    "target": {
      "id": "tapTest",
      "dataset": {
       "hi": "WeChat"
    "currentTarget": {
      "id": "tapTest",
      "dataset": {
        "hi": "WeChat"
    "detail": {
    "touches": [{
    "changedTouches": [{

The event is detailed

Event classification

Events are divided into bubbling events and non-bubble events

  1. Bubble event: When an event on a component is triggered, the event is passed to the parent node.
  2. Non-bubble event: When an event on a component is triggered, the event is not passed to the parent node.

List of bubbling events for WXML:

Type The trigger condition
touchstart The finger touch action begins
touchmove Move your finger when you touch it
touchcancel Finger touch movements are interrupted, such as a call alert, and a window is played
touchend The finger touch action ends
tap Leave as soon as your finger is touched
longtap After the finger is touched, more than 350ms is left

Note: All component custom events other than the table above are <scroll-view/> events, such as the submit input event for <form/> <input/> scroll )

Event binding

Event binding is written as a component's property, in the form of key, value.

  • Key bind catch and then keeps up with the type of bindtap catchtouchstart
  • Value is a string that needs to define a function with the same name in the corresponding Page. O therwise, errors are reported when an event is triggered.

bind binding does not prevent bubbling events from bubbling up, catch event binding prevents bubbling events from bubbling up.

As in the latest example, clicking on inner view triggers handleTap3 and handleTap2 (because the tap event bubbles to middle view, and middle view prevents the tap event from bubbling and no longer passes to the parent node), clicking on middle view triggers handleTap2 and clicking outter handleTap1

<view id="outter" bindtap="handleTap1">
  outer view
  <view id="middle" catchtap="handleTap2">
    middle view
    <view id="inner" bindtap="handleTap3">
      inner view

The event object

Without special instructions, when a component triggers an event, the handler of the logical layer binding the event receives an event object.

BaseEvent list of underlying event object properties:

Property Type Description
type String The type of event
timeStamp Integer The timestamp at the time the event was generated
target Object A collection of property values for the component that triggered the event
currentTarget Object A collection of some property values for the current component

CustomEvent Custom Event Object Properties List (Inherit BaseEvent):

Property Type Description
detail Object Additional information

TouchEvent Touch Event Object Properties List (Inherit BaseEvent):

Property Type Description
touches Array An array of touch-point information that currently stays on the screen
changedTouches Array An array of touch events, the currently changing touch point information

Special Events: <canvas/> are not bubbling, so there is no currentTarget.


The common event type


The number of milliseconds that the page opened to trigger the event.


The source component that triggered the event.

Property Type Description
Id String The id of the event source component
tagName String The type of the current component
dataset Object A collection of custom properties data- on the event source component


The current component of the event binding.

Property Type Description
Id String The id of the current component
tagName String The type of the current component
dataset Object A collection of custom data- current component that begin with data-

Description: Target and currentTarget can refer to the example above, when clicking inner view, handleTap3 receives the event object target and currentTarget are both inner, handleTap2 receives the event object target inner, currentTarget is middle.


Data can be defined in a component that is passed through events to the SERVICE. How to data- and multiple words are linked - not capitals (capitals automatically turn to smaller) data-element-type and eventually in, the hyphens are turned elementType


<view data-alpha-beta="1" data-alphaBeta="2" bindtap="bindViewTap"> DataSet Test </view>
  bindViewTap:function(event){ === 1 // - 会转为驼峰写法 === 2 // 大写会转为小写


Touches is an array, each element is a Touch object (the touches that are carried in the canvas touch event are canvasTouch arrays). Represents the touch point that is currently stuck on the screen.

Touch object

Property Type Description
identifier Number The identifier of the touch point
pageX, pageY Number The distance from the upper-left corner of the document, the upper-left corner of the document is the origin, the landscape is the X-axis, and the portrait is the Y-axis
clientX, clientY Number Distance from the page shows the distance in the upper left corner of the area (screen removes the navigation bar), with the X-axis in the landscape and the Y-axis in portrait

CanvasTouch object

Property Type Description Special instructions
identifier Number The identifier of the touch point
x, y Number At the distance from the upper left corner of Canvas, the upper left corner of Canvas is the origin, the X-axis is horizontal, and the vertical is the Y-axis


ChangedTouches data format with touches. Represents a changed touch point, such as a touchstart, a touchmove, a touchmove, a touchend, touchcancel.


Custom events carry data, such as the submission event for a form component that carries the user's input, and media error events that carry error messages, as detailed in the definition of each event in the component definition.

Clicking detail of the event with x, y and pageX, pageY represents the distance from the upper left corner of the document.