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WeChat small program cloud development error code

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

Error code

The exceptions thrown when using cloud capabilities (fail callback / Promise reject) Error objects will have errCode and errMsg, and the cloud development HTTP API backpase will also have errcode and errmsg, here is a list of errCode values.

Error code Meaning
-1 Universal error
-401001 SDK universal error: No permission to use the API
-401002 SDK universal error: API incoming parameter error
-401003 SDK universal error: API incoming parameter type error
-402001 SDK database error: A circular reference was detected
-402002 SDK database error: Initialization listening failed
-402003 SDK database error: Reconnecting WebSocket failed
-402004 SDK database error: Failed to rebuild listening
-402005 SDK database error: Failed to shut down listening
-402006 SDK database error: A server error message was received
-402007 SDK database error: Illegal data received from the server
-402008 SDK database error: WebSocket connection exception
-402009 SDK database error: WebSocket is disconnected
-402010 SDK database error: Failed to check package order
-402011 SDK database error: Unknown exception
-501001 Cloud Resource Universal Error: Cloud System Error
-403001 SDK file storage error: Uploaded files exceed the maximum size limit
-404001 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed internally: empty return package
-404002 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed internally: empty eventid
-404003 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call internal failure: empty pollurl
-404004 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call internal failed: empty point result json
-404005 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: exceeding the maximum normal result polling attempt
-404006 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call internal failure: empty base resp
-404007 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: baseresponse.errcode Non 0
-404008 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: V1 polling status code exception
-404009 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call internal failure: polling processing exception
-404010 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: polling results have expired for timeout 1
-404011 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: Function failed
-404012 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed: After the maximum polling timeout, try 2
-40400x SDK cloud function error: Cloud function call failed
-404011 SDK cloud function error: Cloud function failed
-501002 Cloud resource universal error: cloud response timeout
-501003 Cloud resources universal error: the number of requests beyond the environment quota
-501004 Cloud resource universal error: request concurrently beyond the environment quota
-501005 Cloud resources universal error: environmental information exception
-501007 Cloud resource universal error: parameter error
-501009 Cloud resource universal error: the resource object operated illegally or does not exist
-501015 Cloud resource universal error: read requests are exhausted
-501016 Cloud resource universal error: write request number quota exhausted
-501017 Cloud resource universal error: disk exhaustion
-501018 Cloud resources universal error: resource is not available
-501019 Cloud resource universal error: unauthorized operation
-501020 Cloud resource universal error: unknown parameter error
-501021 Cloud resource universal error: operation does not support
-502001 Cloud resource database error: Database request failed
-502002 Cloud resource database error: Illegal database instructions
-502003 Cloud resource database error: No permission to operate the database
-502005 Cloud resource database error: The collection does not exist
-502010 Cloud resource database error: The operation failed
-502011 Cloud resource database error: The operation timed out
-502012 Cloud resource database error: Failed to insert
-502013 Cloud resource database error: Failed to create collection
-502014 Cloud resource database error: Failed to delete data
-502015 Cloud resource database error: Query data failed
-503001 Cloud resource file storage error: Cloud file request failed
-503002 Cloud resource file storage error: No access to cloud files
-503003 Cloud resource file storage error: The file does not exist
-503003 Cloud resource file storage error: Illegal signature
-504001 Cloud resource cloud function error: Cloud function call failed
-504002 Cloud resource cloud function error: Cloud function execution failed
-601001 WeChat background common error: system error
-601002 WeChat background common error: system parameter error
-601003 WeChat background common error: system network error
-604001 WeChat background cloud function error: the return package size is more than 1M
-604100 WeChat background cloud function error: API does not exist
-604101 WeChat background cloud function error: No permission to call this API
-604102 WeChat background cloud function error: Call timeout
-604103 WeChat background cloud function error: Cloud call system error
-604104 WeChat background cloud function error: illegal call source
-604101 WeChat background cloud function error: Call system error
-605101 WeChat background HTTP API error: Query statement resolution failed

Additional instructions

  1. Common causes: Client network exceptions after the call is initiated;
  2. Common cause: Client network exception.

Special error description:

  • If the AppID does not have a cloud development service, or just opened cloud development but has not yet had a preparation period (ten minutes), then the call cloud.init will appear cloud init error: serrMsg: "invalid scope" error, if it is not open cloud development, then please open the operation first, if it is just opened, please wait ten minutes and try again.