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WeChat gadget WeUI navigation component

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Navigation is the top navigation component of the applet, which you can use instead of the native navigation bar when the page is configured with the nationalStyle set to custom.

Example code:

    "usingComponents": {
        "mp-navigation-bar": "../components/navigation-bar/navigation-bar"
    "navigationStyle": "custom",
    "navigationBarTitleText": "UI组件库"

<mp-navigation-bar loading="{{loading}}" show="{{show}}" animated="{{animated}}" color="{{color}}" background="{{background}}" title="UI组件库" back="{{true}}"></mp-navigation-bar>
<view class="page">
    <view class="page__hd">
        <view class="page__title">Navigation</view>
        <view class="page__desc">小程序自定义导航栏</view>
    <view class="page__bd page__bd_spacing">
        <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="toggleLoading">触发loading</button>
        <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="changeColor">修改文字颜色</button>
        <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="changeBgColor">修改背景颜色</button>
        <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="toggleShow">显示 / 隐藏</button>
        <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="toggleAnimated">设置显示 / 隐藏opacity动画</button>

  data: {
    loading: false,
    color: '#000',
    background: '#f8f8f8',
    show: true,
    animated: false
  toggleLoading() {
      loading: !
  changeColor() {
      color: '#07C160'
  changeBgColor() {
      background: '#ededed'
  toggleShow() {
      show: !
  toggleAnimated() {
      animated: !,
      show: !

WeChat gadget WeUI navigation component

The list of properties

Property Type The default Required Description
ext-class string Whether A class added to the internal structure of a component that can be used to modify the style inside a component
title string Whether The navigation title, if not provided, is valid for the slot named center
back boolean true Whether Whether the return button is displayed, the default click of the button will execute the navigateBack, and if it is false, the slot named loft is valid
delta number 1 Whether Valid when the back is true, representing the delta parameter of the navigateback
background string #f8f8f8 Whether Navigate the background color
color string Whether The navigation color
loading boolean Whether Whether to display the loading on the left side of the title
show boolean Whether Show hidden navigation, hidden when the height of the national is still in place
animated boolean Whether There is an opacity transition animation when the hidden navigation is displayed
bindback eventhandler Whether When the back is true, click the back button to trigger this event, and the detail contains delta


Name Describe
left The left slot, displayed in the back button position, is valid when the back is false
center The title slot, displayed at the title position, is valid when the title is empty
right Shown on the right side of the navigation


Tabbar components can also be used as custom Tabbar for small programs

Example code:

  "usingComponents": {
    "mp-tabbar": "../components/tabbar/tabbar"
  "navigationBarTitleText": "UI组件库"

<view class="page">
    <view class="page__hd">
        <view class="page__title">Tabbar</view>
        <view class="page__desc">类似小程序原生tabbar的组件,可用于自定义tabbar</view>
    <mp-tabbar style="position:fixed;bottom:0;width:100%;left:0;right:0;" list="{{list}}" bindchange="tabChange"></mp-tabbar>

    data: {
        list: [{
            "text": "对话",
            "iconPath": "../../images/tabbar_icon_chat_default.png",
          "selectedIconPath": "../../images/tabbar_icon_chat_active.png",
            dot: true
            "text": "设置",
          "iconPath": "../../images/tabbar_icon_setting_default.png",
          "selectedIconPath": "../../images/tabbar_icon_setting_active.png",
            badge: 'New'
    tabChange(e) {
        console.log('tab change', e)

WeChat gadget WeUI navigation component

The list of properties

Property Type The default Required Description
ext-class string Whether A class added to the internal structure of a component that can be used to modify the style inside a component
list array<object> Whether An array of Tabbar items, according to the specification, must have at least 2 Tabbar items
current number 0 Whether The underseat of the tabbar item currently selected
bindchange eventhandler Whether This event is triggered when the Tabbar entry is changed to , the detail is index, item , index is Tabbar underseat, and item is the configuration of the corresponding Tabbar item

The list property is an array of objects, each representing a Tabbar item whose field means

The field name Type The default Required Description
text string Is The title of the Tabbar item
iconPath string Whether Tabbar item's icon picture path, it is recommended to use an absolute path, relative to the directory where the component is located.
selectedIconPath string Whether When the Tabbar item is selected, an absolute path is recommended, relative to the directory where the component is located.
badge string Whether Whether to show Tabbar's Badge in the upper right corner