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Vant DatetimePicker time selection

May 07, 2021 Vant

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Time selectors, which support dimensions such as date, year, time, and so on, are typically used with pop-up layer components


import Vue from 'vue';
import { DatetimePicker } from 'vant';


Code demo

Select the full time

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      minDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1),
      maxDate: new Date(2025, 10, 1),
      currentDate: new Date()

Select a date (year and month day)

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      minDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1),
      maxDate: new Date(2025, 10, 1),
      currentDate: new Date()

Select Date (Year and Month)

The option text can be formatted by passing in the formatter function

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      minDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1),
      maxDate: new Date(2025, 10, 1),
      currentDate: new Date()

  methods: {
    formatter(type, val) {
      if (type === 'year') {
        return `${val}年`;
      } else if (type === 'month') {
        return `${val}月`
      return val;

Select the time

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      currentTime: '12:00'

Option filter

By passing in the filter function, you can filter the array of options for custom intervals

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      currentTime: '12:00'

  methods: {
    filter(type, options) {
      if (type === 'minute') {
        return options.filter(option => option % 5 === 0);

      return options;



Parameters Description Type The default
type Type, the optional value is date
time year-month
string datetime
title The title of the top bar string ''
confirm-button-text Confirm the button text string 确认
cancel-button-text Cancel the button text string 取消
show-toolbar Whether to display the top bar boolean true
loading Whether to display the load status boolean false
filter Option filter function (type, vals) => vals -
formatter The option formats the function (type, val) => val -
item-height The height of the option number | string 44
visible-item-count The number of visible options number | string 5
swipe-duration v2.2.13 The length of inertial scrolling when sliding quickly, in ms number | string 1000

DatePicker Props

The following props are supported when the time selector type is date or datetime

Parameters Description Type The default
min-date Optional minimum time, accurate to minutes Date Ten years ago
max-date Optional maximum time, accurate to minutes Date Ten years later

TimePicker Props

The following props are supported when the time selector type is time

Parameters Description Type The default
min-hour The minimum number of hours available number | string 0
max-hour The maximum number of hours available number | string 23
min-minute Optional minimum minute number | string 0
max-minute The maximum number of minutes available number | string 59


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
change The event that is triggered when the value changes Picker: Picker instance
confirm The event that was triggered when the finish button was clicked Value: The time currently selected
cancel The event that was triggered when the cancel button was clicked -


Ref allows you to get the DatetimePicker instance and call the instance method, as detailed in the Component Instance Method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
getPicker v2.4.0 Gets the Picker instance, which is used to call picker's instance method - -


Does the page get stuck after setting min-date or max-date?

Be careful not to use a write like min-date""new Date()" directly in the template, which causes a new Date object to be passed in each time the component is rendered, and the new data to be passed in triggers the next rendering, which plunges into a dead loop.

The correct approach is to define min-date as a data in the data function.

Failed to initialize components on iOS systems?

If you're having trouble rendering components on iOS, make sure you're not creating a Date object with a writing like new Date ('2020-01-01'), iOS doesn't support a date format separated by a midline, which is new Date ('2020/01/01').

A detailed explanation of this problem: stackoverflow .

Can't operate components on the desktop side?

See Use on the desktop side.

Is there a year or month selector?

If you only need to select a year or month, it is recommended that you use the Picker component directly.

Example demonstration