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That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

May 04, 2021 CSS

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Today, our websites and pages need to pay more attention to detail, whether it is the font style, or the resolution clarity of the picture will affect the user's visit experience and PV, and whether users will return to our website/blog in the future. T o make our pages more beautiful and personalized, we need to learn more about CSS style properties. C SS not only decorates web pages statically, but also dynamically formats the elements of web pages in conjunction with various scripting languages, and CSS has the ability to edit web page objects and model styles. I n order to facilitate everyone to learn CSS style, the following we organize CSS style knowledge points and reference style collection.

That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

Some common unnecessary CSS styles

1, consistent with the default CSS style

Sometimes we write CSS styles that are consistent with the browser's default CSS styles, and sometimes you may not realize it yourself.

Common examples are:

div{width:auto; height:auto;}

For some friends who have just used CSS, sometimes, in order to express this div height is automatically adapted to the internal elements, can not help but height:auto; The style of the . O bviously, this style is unnecessary, and the height of any block element by default is almost auto.

Let's take a look at the CSS-style file on Renren's personal homepage (link here), and search for height:auto at ctrl-F under chrome height:auto showing nine (see figure below).

That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

As a general rule, height:auto only when using CSS priority to height style, and the rest can basically be removed. Like the example above of Renren, there are nine height:auto and at least half of them are unnecessary.

body,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{margin:0; padding:0;}


About the style of Body, P or other label is invalid, consistent with the default, this style is padding:0 ;,for body , p , h1~6 These labels, itself padding The value is 0, so only need margin:0 Yes.

In CSS RESET, for convenience, it is a bunch of labels direct sets. margin:0 ; padding:0 What is going on.Also take the CSS style file of everyone, the first line of the personal home style of everyone is a long label with one. margin:0 ; padding:0 No matter what it put span , div , em The label and the like are also added, even if there is no such label, it is also very unbeworthy, complete waste resources, waste Rendering of CSS.More recommended practice is ul , ol Stand alone because ul , ol Also set up separately list-style Style, and common label ul , ol The list elements have default padding values, so efficient ways should be:


ul,ol{list-stype:none; margin:0; padding:0;}

span{display:inline; float:left; margin-left:3px;}

This is often there.This happens that this may be related to the floating bilateral BUG of IE6, we can set up display:inline The method fixes the BUG of IE6, but if it is not enough to understand this BUG, the abuse will occur if it is insufficient to understand the CSS.The above is one of the abuse, for span/a/em/cite/i/b/strong The election of the elements is default display:inline So give it to it display:inline Attributes are more.

Similar situations are itself block Horizontal element setting display:block Property, for example:

li{display:block; padding:4px 0;}

The above situation is not uncommon, even in a relatively excellent website, there will be such a low-level style problem.

Other situations




div{background-position:0 0;}

CSS reference style set

one. Font properties: (font)

1. Size {font-size: xx-small; (very small) general Chinese can not be used, as long as the value can be, unit: PX, PD

2. Style {font-style: oblique;} (skew) italic; (体) NORMAL; (normal)

3. High {Line-height: Normal;} (Normal) Unit: PX, PD, EM

4. Rough {font-weight: bold;} (bold) Lighter; (fine) NORMAL; (Normal)

5. Variant {Font-Variant: Small-Caps;} (small uppercase letters) NORMAL; (normal)

6. Size {Text-Transform: Capitalize;} (首 大) Uppercase; (uppercase) LowerCase; (lowercase) None; (None)

7. Modification {text-decoration: underline;} (Underline) OVERLINE; (Upline) line-through; (deleted line) BLINK; (flashing)

two. Common font: (Font-Family)

"Courier New", Courier, monospace, "Times New Roman", Times, serif, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana

three. Background attribute: (Background)

1. Color {Background-Color: #fffff;}

2. Picture {Background-image: none;

3. Repeat {Background-Repeat: no-repeat;} repeat-x (horizontal); REAT-Y (vertical)

4. Scroll {Background-attachment: fixed;} (fixed) scroll; (scrolling)

5. Location {Background-Position: Left;} (horizontal) TOP (vertical);

Shorthand method {Background: # 000 URL (..) Repeat fixed left top;} / * Shorthand · This often appears in the reading code.

Four. Block Properties: (Block)

1. Word spacing {letter-spacing: normal;} value

2. Align {text-align: Justify;} (alignment) left; (left align) Right; (right align) center; (center)

3. Indented {text-indent: Numerical PX;

4. Vertical alignment {vertical-align: baseline;} (baseline) SUB; (subscript) SUP; (上 标) TOP; text-top; middle; bottom; text-bottom

5. Word spacing word-spacing: normal; value

6. Spaces White-Space: pre; (retained) NOWRAP; (without wrap)

7. Display {Display: block;} (block) inline; (inline) List-item; (list) Run-in; (additional part) Compact; (compact) Marker; (mark) table; inline-table;Table-Raw-group; table-footer-group; table-raw; table-color; table-color; Table-Cell; Table-Caption; (Table Title) / * DISPLAY Property understands very vague * /

That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

five. Frame properties: (Box)

1. Width :; Height :; Float :; Clear: Both; Margin :; Padding :; Order: Upper right left

six. Border properties: (border)

1. Border-style: dotted; (point line) DASHED; (dotted) SOLID; Double; (double line) Groove; (slot line) Ridge; (ridge) INSET; (depression) Outset; border-width :; Border width


Shorthand Method Border: Width Style Color; / * Shop * /

seven. List properties: (List-style)

1. Type List-style-type: disc; (round point) Circle; (circle) Square; (square) decimal; (number) Lower-Roman; (小罗 code number) Upper-roman; loWer-alpha; Upper-Alpha;

2. Location List-style-position: Outside; (outside) inside;

3. Image List-style-image: URL (..);

8. Positioning properties: (position)

1.Position: absolute; relative; static;

visibility: inherit; visible; hidden;

overflow: visible; hidden; scroll; auto;

CLIP: RECT (12px, AUTO, 12PX, AUTO) (Crop)

Nine. CSS text properties:

1. Color: # 999999; / * Text color * /

2. Font-Family: Song, Sans-Serif; / * Text Font * /

3. Font-size: 9pt; / * text size * /

4. Font-style: ney; / * text slope * /

5. Font-Variant: Small-Caps; / * Small font * /

6. Letter-spacing: 1pt; / * Word interval * /

7. Line-height: 200%; / * Set line high * /

8. Font-weight: bold; / * text bold * /

9. Vertical-align: Sub; / * Under the mark * /

10. Vertical-align: super; / * On the mark * /

11. Text-Decoration: line-through; / * Delivery and deletion * /

12. Text-Decoration: Overline; / * Top * /

13. Text-decoration: underline; / * Draw a line * /

14. Text-Decoration: none; / * Delete Link Underline * /

15. Text-Transform: Capitalize; / * The first word * /

16. TEXT-Transform: Uppercase; / * English Upper

17. Text-Transform: Lowercase; / * English lowercase * /

18. Text-align: Right; / * text right alignment * /

19. Text-align: left; / * text left align * /

20. Text-align: center; / * text is neutral * /

21. Text-align: Justify; / * Text Dispersion Align * /

Vertical-align attribute

22. Vertical-align: top; / * Vertical upwards * /

23. Vertical-align: bottom; / * vertical downwards * /

24. Vertical-align: middle; / * Vertical home alignment * /

25. Vertical-align: text-top; / * Text vertical upwards * /

26. Vertical-align: text-bottom; / * text is vertically aligned * /

ten. CSS border blank

1. Padding-top: 10px; / * Retention on the side of the frame * /

2. Padding-right: 10px; / * Remove the blank * /

3. Padding-bottom: 10px; / * Retention of the next frame * /

4. Padding-left: 10px; / * Leave the left frame

Pattern overlay order in the CSS style sheet

Sometimes some restrictions don't work in the process of writing CSS, which involves the problem of CSS style coverage, as shown below:

#navigator {

height: 100%;

width: 200;

position: absolute;

left: 0;

border: solid 2 #EEE;  }

.current_block {

border: solid 2 #AE0;  }

In some textbooks, only the order of CSS is "STYLE"> "File head on the element"> "External Style File" on the element ">" External Style File ", but how to arrange the priority of multiple identical styles in style files, noDetailed description.After testing and continuing search, you know the priority is arranged as follows:

1. The more accurate elements selectors of the style sheet, the higher the style priority:

ID selector specified style> class selector specified style> Element type selector specified style
So in the above example #navigator Style priority is greater than .current_block Priority, timely .current_block It is the latest added, and it doesn't work.

2. For the style set by the same type selector, in the style sheet file, the higher the priority of the priority:

Note that this is the higher the priority of the stylesheet file, not the order in which the element class occurs.For example, .CLASS2 appears in .class1 in the style sheet:

.class1 {

color: black;  }

.class2 {

color: red;  }

And an element specifies the use of Class class="class2 class1" This way, at this time, although CLASS1 is specified behind the class 2 in the element, since the Class1 in the style table file is in front of the Class2, it is still the priority of Class2, and the properties of the color are RED.Non-Black.

3. If you want to make the priority of a style, you can use it. !important To specify:

.class1 {

color: black !important;  }

.class2 {

color: red;  }

At this time, Class will use Black, not RED.

There are two solutions for problems encountered at the beginning:

1. Put Border from #navigator Take it out, put it in a class .block, and .block Put in .current_block Before:

#navigator {

height: 100%;

width: 200;

position: absolute;

left: 0;  }

.block {

border: solid 2 #EEE;  }

.current_block {

border: solid 2 #AE0;  }

Need default #navigator Element designation class="block"

2. Use! Important:

#navigator {

height: 100%;

width: 200;

position: absolute;

left: 0;

border: solid 2 #EEE;  }

.current_block {

border: solid 2 #AE0 !important;  }

There is no need to make any other changes in this point.It can be seen that the second solution is simpler.

Everyone knows that the full name of CSS is called "laminated style sheet", but it is estimated that many people don't know the meaning of "laminate".In fact, "laminated" refers to the coverage of the style. When an element is used in a variety of styles, the browser must select an attribute value from it, this process is called "laminated".Style coverage (this called method is more popular) follows a certain rule.

First of all, it is necessary to make it clear that many cases can cause an element to be used in a variety of styles, and the rules covered by the style also need to be determined according to different situations, and the specific rules are as follows.

Rule 1: When the style conflict occurs due to inheritance, the ancestors won recently.

The inheritance mechanism of CSS allows elements to inherit the style from the ancestral element that contains its ancestors, considering the following situation:







<p>welcome to <strong>w3cschool</strong></p>

strong Respectively body with p Inherited color Attribute, but due to p Leaving on the inheritance tree strong Coal, therefore strong The text inheritance p Blue.

Rule 2: Inherited styles and direct specified style conflicts, the specified style will win.

In the example above, if still specified strong Pattern of elements, such as:



So according to rules, strong The text is finally displayed in red.

Rules 3: When the direct specified style has a conflict, the style weight is victorious.

The weight of the style depends on the selector of the style, the weight is defined as follows.

That's what css styles have to be written (css reference style collection)

As you can see, the weight of the inline style, the class selector, and the label selector, in addition to which the weight of the descendant selector is the total value of each weight, such as #nav .current a weight of 100 , 10 , 1 , 111.

Rule 4: When the style weights are the same, the latter wins.

Consider the following

<p class="byline">Written by <a class="email" href="mailto:[email protected]">Jean Graine de Pomme</a></p>

.byline a {color:red;}

p .email {color:blue;}

.byline a and p .email the a element above directly, and both have weights of 11, which, according to rule four, end up in blue. a

Since style sheets can be external or internal, Rule FOUR reminds us of the order in which external style sheets are introduced (and the order in which elements <link> where external style sheets appear with internal style sheets. In general, internal style sheets appear after the introduction of all external style sheets, typically before the introduction of the </head>

Rule five: !important of !important are not overwritten.

!important can be seen as a last-of-last-last time to break the above four rules of the "golden finger". I f you have to take a style property and not let it be overwritten, you can add !important after the property value, for example, .byline a {color:red !important;} force the link to appear red. In most cases, there are other ways to control style overlays and not !important

The method of operating CSS styles in JQuery

// 1, get and set the style

$ ("# Tow"). Attr ("class") Gets the Class property of the ID as Tow

$ ("# two"). Attr ("Class", "Divclass") Sets the ID of the ID to TWO.

// 2, append style

$ ("# two"). AddClass ("Divclass2") Additional Pattern DivcLASS2 for IDs for IDs TWO

// 3, removal style

$ ("# two"). RemoveClass ("Divclass") Removes the Class named DivcLASS of the ID of the ID of the ID.

$ (# two) .RemoveClass ("Divclass Divclass2") Removes multiple styles.

// 4, switch class name

$ ("# two"). ToggleClass ("AnotherClass") // Repeat the ANOTHERCLASS style

// 5, determine if there is a pattern


// 6, get the style in the CSS style

$ ("DIV"). CSS ("color") Sets the color attribute value. $ (element) .css (style)

/ / Set a single style


// Set multiple styles




//7.offset () method

// It works to get the relative offset of the element in the current window, where the return object contains two properties, namely TOP and LEFT.

// Note: Only valid for visible elements.

var offset=$("div").offset();

Var left = offset.left; // Get the left shift

Var Top =; // Get the right offset

// 8, position () method

// It is to obtain the relative offset of the element to the Relative or Absolute, the relative offset of the German or Absolute, which is the most recent Position Style property. Like the Offset (), the object it returns to TOP and LEFT.

// 9, scrolltop () V method and scrollLeft () method

$ ("div"). scrolltop (); // Gets the distance of the rolling bar from the elements.

$ ("div"). scrollLeft (); // Gets the distance from the left side of the rolling pitch of the element.

// 10, the Toggle and SlideToggle methods in jQuery can implement display and hide of an element.The difference is:

// Toggle: The dynamic effect is from right to left.Horizontal action.

// slidetoggle: Dynamic effects from below.Vertical action.

// For example, if you want to realize the dynamic effect of a tree, you will use Slidetoggle to use the slidetogle.

$ ('INPUT'). Attr ("Readonly" // Set the INPUT element to Readonly

$ ('INPUT'). Attr ("Readonly" / / Readonly property of the INPUT element

$ ('INPUT'). Attr ("Disabled" // Set the Input element to Disabled

$ ('INPUT'). Attr ("Disabled" // Remove the Disabled property of the Input element