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Can you use css with an iframe tag?

Asked by Jayce Kent on Dec 05, 2021 CSS

Using CSS with the border. Inside the iframe tag you can use CSS to customize the way the border looks, I have given a list of all the different types of borders, remember to keep frameborder"0" in the code otherwise the border will look ugly: Remember you can change the thickness and the colour to whatever you like.
The <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame. An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document.
In addition, While most browsers include iframes without a lot of extra styles, it's still a good idea to add some styles to keep them consistent. Here are some CSS styles we always include on iframes: set to the size that fits in my document. Here are examples of a frame with no styles and one with just the basics styled.
Deprecated in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Specifies the name of an iframe. Was used to set the alignment of an inline frame relative to surrounding elements. Deprecated. Use CSS instead. Was used to toggle the display of a border around an iframe.
In respect to this,
By default, an iframe is surrounded by a border. To remove the border, you can use CSS border property. Example of an HTML <iframe> Tag With the CSS Border Property: ¶