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SWING layout

May 15, 2021 SWING

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SWING layout


Layout means the arrangement of components within the container. W e can say that there are other ways to place components in a specific location in a container. The task of the layout control is done automatically by the layout manager.

Layout manager

The layout manager automatically places all components within the container. I f we don't use layout manager, then components can also be placed by the default layout manager. Manual layout controls are also possible, but they become very difficult for two reasons.

  • Working with a large number of controls within a container can be cumbersome.

  • Usually when we need to arrange a component, we don't give information about the width and height of the component.

Java provides us with a variety of layout managers to place controls. P roperties such as size, shape, and arrangement vary from one layout manager to another. When the size of a small application or application window changes, so does the size, shape, and arrangement of components, i.e. the layout manager adapts to the size of the small application view or application window.

The layout manager is associated with each container object. Each layout manager is an object of the class that implements the layout management interface.

The following is the functionality of the interface-defined layout manager.

Serial number Interfaces and descriptions
1 LayoutManager
The LayoutManager interface declares methods that need to be implemented by classes, and the objects of those classes act as a layout manager.
2 LayoutManager2
LayoutManager2 is a child interface of LayoutManager. This interface is for classes that know how to lay out containers based on layout constraint objects.

AWT Layout Manager Class:

The following is a list of controls that are commonly used when designing GUI with AWT.

Serial number Layout Manager and Description
1 BorderLayout
Borderlayout arranges components adapted to five regions: East, West, North, South, and Center.
2 CardLayout
The CardLayout object sees each component in the container as a card. Only one card is visible at a time.
3 FlowLayout
FlowLayout is the default layout. It lays out components with directional flows.
4 GridLayout
GridLayout manages components in the form of a rectangular grid.
5 GridBagLayout
This is the most flexible layout manager class. GridBagLayout objects arrange components vertically, horizontally, or along their baselines without the need for components of the same size.
6 GroupLayout
GroupLayout categories components hierarchically in order to place them in a container.
7 SpringLayout
SpringLayout places children in containers associated with it based on a set of constraints.