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SVN label

May 25, 2021 SVN

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SVN label

The version management system supports the tag option, and by using the concept of tag, we can give a specific version of the code a more meaningful name. T ags allow for a descriptive, memorable name for a specific version of the code. For example, BASIC_ARRAY_OPERATIONS is more meaningful than modifying version 7.

Let's look at an example of a tag tag. Tom decided to create a tag in order to better review the code.

[tom@CentOS project_repo]$ svn copy --revision=4 trunk/ tags/basic_array_operations

The above command will produce the following results.

A    tags/basic_array_operations/array.c
Updated to revision 4.
A         tags/basic_array_operations

The above code completes successfully and the new directory is created under the tags directory.

[tom@CentOS project_repo]$ ls -l tags/
total 4
drwxrwxr-x. 3 tom tom 4096 Aug 24 18:18 basic_array_operations

Tom wants to double-click before submitting. The status option shows that the tag option succeeded, so he can safely commit his changes.

[tom@CentOS project_repo]$ svn status
A  +    tags/basic_array_operations

[tom@CentOS project_repo]$ svn commit -m "Created tag for basic array operations"
Adding         tags/basic_array_operations

Committed revision 5.