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SVN branch

May 25, 2021 SVN

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SVN branch

The Branch option creates another line for the developer. T his option is useful when someone wants the development process to be split into two different lines. Let's start by assuming that you've released version 1.0 of a product, and you might want to create a new branch so that you can develop version 2.0 without interfering with the bug fix for version 1.0.

In this section, we'll see how to create, cross, and merge branches. Jerry was unhappy with the code conflict, so he decided to create a new private branch.

[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ ls
branches  tags  trunk

[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn copy trunk branches/jerry_branch
A         branches/jerry_branch

[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn status
A  +    branches/jerry_branch

[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn commit -m "Jerry's private branch"
Adding         branches/jerry_branch
Adding         branches/jerry_branch/README

Committed revision 9.
[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ 

Now Jerry starts working under his own branch. H e added the sort option to the sequence. Jerry's modified code looks like this:

[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ cd branches/jerry_branch/

[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ cat array.c 

The above code will produce the following results:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 16

void bubble_sort(int *arr, int n)
   int i, j, temp, flag = 1;
   for (i = 1; i < n && flag == 1; ++i) {
      flag = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) {
         if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
            flag = 1;
            temp = arr[j];
            arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
            arr[j + 1] = temp;

void accept_input(int *arr, int n)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
   scanf("%d", &arr[i]);

void display(int *arr, int n)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
   printf("|%d| ", arr[i]);


int main(void)
   int i, n, key, ret, arr[MAX];

   printf("Enter the total number of elements: ");
   scanf("%d", &n);

   /* Error handling for array overflow */
   if (n >MAX) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d\n", MAX);
      return 1;

   printf("Enter the elements\n");
   accept_input(arr, n);

   printf("Array has following elements\n");
   display(arr, n);

   printf("Sorted data is\n");
   bubble_sort(arr, n);
   display(arr, n);

   return 0;

Jerry compiles and tests his code, ready to commit his changes.

[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ make array
cc     array.c   -o array

[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ ./array 

The above command will produce the following results:

Enter the total number of elements: 5
Enter the elements
Array has following elements
|10| |-4| |2| |7| |9| 
Sorted data is
|-4| |2| |7| |9| |10| 

[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ svn status
?       array
M       array.c

[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ svn commit -m "Added sort operation"
Sending        jerry_branch/array.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 10.

At the same time, across the trunk, Tom decides to implement the search option. Tom adds the search option and adds code, and his code is as follows:

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn diff

The above command will produce the following result:

Index: array.c
--- array.c   (revision 10)
+++ array.c   (working copy)
@@ -2,6 +2,27 @@

 #define MAX 16

+int bin_search(int *arr, int n, int key)
+   int low, high, mid;
+   low   = 0;
+   high   = n - 1;
+   mid   = low + (high - low) / 2;
+   while (low <= high) {
+      if (arr[mid] == key)
+         return mid;
+      if (arr[mid] > key)
+         high = mid - 1;
+      else
+         low = mid + 1;
+      mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
+   }
+   return -1;
 void accept_input(int *arr, int n)
    int i;
@@ -22,7 +43,7 @@

 int main(void)
-   int i, n, arr[MAX];
+   int i, n, ret, key, arr[MAX];

    printf("Enter the total number of elements: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
@@ -39,5 +60,16 @@
    printf("Array has following elements\n");
    display(arr, n);

+   printf("Enter the element to be searched: ");
+   scanf("%d", &key);
+   ret = bin_search(arr, n, key);
+   if (ret < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "%d element not present in array\n", key);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   printf("%d element found at location %d\n", key, ret + 1);
    return 0;
After reviewing, he commits his changes.

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn status
?       array
M       array.c

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn commit -m "Added search operation"
Sending        trunk/array.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 11.

But Tom wonders what Jerry has done in his own private branch:

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ cd ../branches/
[tom@CentOS branches]$ svn up
A    jerry_branch
A    jerry_branch/array.c
A    jerry_branch/README

[tom@CentOS branches]$ svn log
r9 | jerry | 2013-08-27 21:56:51 +0530 (Tue, 27 Aug 2013) | 1 line

Added sort operation

By looking at Subversion's log information, Tom discovers that Jerry relies on the 'sort' option. T om decided to add a half-fold lookup, expecting the data to always be categorized by category. B ut what if the user-provided data is not classified? I n that case, the half-lookup will fail. S o he decided to move on to Jerry's code and classify it as advanced before searching for options. So he told Subversion to merge Jerry's branches into the trunk.

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ pwd

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn merge ../branches/jerry_branch/
--- Merging r9 through r11 into '.':
U    array.c

After fusion, the array .c look like this:

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ cat array.c

The above code will produce the following results:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 16

void bubble_sort(int *arr, int n)
   int i, j, temp, flag = 1;

   for (i = 1; i < n && flag == 1; ++i) {
      flag = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) {
         if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
            flag        = 1;
            temp        = arr[j];
            arr[j]      = arr[j + 1];
            arr[j + 1]  = temp;

int bin_search(int *arr, int n, int key)
   int low, high, mid;

   low   = 0;
   high  = n - 1;
   mid   = low + (high - low) / 2;

   while (low <= high) {
      if (arr[mid] == key)
         return mid;
      if (arr[mid] > key)
         high = mid - 1;
         low = mid + 1;
      mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
   return -1;

void accept_input(int *arr, int n)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      scanf("%d", &arr[i]);

void display(int *arr, int n)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      printf("|%d| ", arr[i]);

int main(void)
   int i, n, ret, key, arr[MAX];

   printf("Enter the total number of elements: ");
   scanf("%d", &n);

   /* Error handling for array overflow */
   if (n > MAX) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d\n", MAX);
      return 1;

   printf("Enter the elements\n");
   accept_input(arr, n);

   printf("Array has following elements\n");
   display(arr, n);

   printf("Sorted data is\n");
   bubble_sort(arr, n);
   display(arr, n);

   printf("Enter the element to be searched: ");
   scanf("%d", &key);

   ret = bin_search(arr, n, key);
   if (ret < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%d element not present in array\n", key);
      return 1;

   printf("%d element found at location %d\n", key, ret +   1);

   return 0;

After compiling and testing, Tom submitted his changes to the repository.

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ make array
cc     array.c   -o array

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ ./array 
Enter the total number of elements: 5
Enter the elements
Array has following elements
|10| |-2| |8| |15| |3| 
Sorted data is
|-2| |3| |8| |10| |15| 
Enter the element to be searched: -2
-2 element found at location 1

[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn commit -m "Merge changes from Jerry's code"
Sending        trunk
Sending        trunk/array.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 12.

[tom@CentOS trunk]$