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Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

Before seeing an article, written is sogou employees encountered problems, with Baidu, the result of the netizen's comments are really bright and blind. Today, sister-in-law W3Cschool will share a similar story about Google employees using BING in front of their bosses.

 Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!1

'It's normal for Google or Baidu employees to use each other's search engines, ' the Google employee said. B ecause to use Google, you have to go over the wall. O n some suitable occasions, Baidu and Google have their own play space. T he employee, who describes himself as a new person, once used Bing in front of google bosses. The employee said he was acting in a way that was quite discordant and fatal.

And this Google employee below, netizens comment a lot, is simply bright.

Netizen I: When I was interning at G home, even a colleague wearing Microsoft programming such clothes, came to work, this is the real death.

Netizen 2: In the implementation of the time, once I used Baidu to search for an academic question, the result is curious to ask me, how do you not use Google?

Netizen 3: As a Google employee, I also often use Baidu.

Netizen 4: Alibaba's small post office, there are quite a number of and Amazon employees package.

 Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!2

Netizen 5: Unicom employees, using a mobile number.

Netizen 6: Wuling employees, commuting, driving is Hongguang.

Because there are too many replies from netizens, here's a screenshot:

 Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!3

 Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!4

 Sogou employees with Baidu is what, Google employees in front of the boss with bing, the result is tragic!5

As the saying goes, "a confidant can win a hundred battles", with competitors' products quite normal. J ust as Lamborghini employees don't necessarily afford a Lamborghini, they have to use other brands of cars. However, when using, still need to keep a low profile, must not be like the title, as a Google employee, but in front of the boss with bing, this is not dead!