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HTML events

May 04, 2021 HTML Reference Manual

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HTML event properties

Global event properties

One of the new features of HTML 4 is that HTML events can trigger behavior in the browser, such as starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element.

If you want to learn more about event properties, visit the JavaScript tutorial

The following table provides standard event properties that you can insert into HTML/XHTML elements to define event behavior.

New : HTML5 adds property events.

Window Event Properties

The event is triggered by the window (for labels):

Property Value Describe
onafterprint New script Run the script after you print the document
onbeforeprint New script Run the script before the document is printed
onbeforeonload New script Run the script before the document loads
onblur script Run the script when the window loses focus
onerror New script Run the script when an error occurs
onfocus script Run the script when the window is in focus
onhaschange New script Run the script when the document changes
onload script Run the script when the document loads
onmessage New script Run the script when the message is triggered
onoffline New script Run the script when the document is offline
ononline New script Run the script when the document is online
onpagehide New script Run the script when the window is hidden
onpageshow New script Run the script when the window is visible
onpopstate New script Run the script when the window history changes
onredo New script Run the script when the document performs a redo
onresize New script Run the script when the window is resized
onstorage New script Run the script when the Web Storage region is updated (when data in storage space changes).
onundo New script Run the script when the document is undone
onunload New script Run the script when the user leaves the document

Form Events

Form events are triggered in html forms (for all HTML elements, but the HTML elements need to be inside the form):

Property Value Describe
onblur script Run the script when the element loses focus
onchange script Run the script when the element changes
oncontextmenu New script Run the script when the context menu is triggered
onfocus script Run the script when the element gets the focus
onformchange New script Run the script when the form changes
onforminput New script Run the script when the form gets user input
oninput New script Run the script when the element gets user input
oninvalid New script Run the script when the element is invalid
onreset script Run the script when the form is reset. ed.
onselect script Run the script when the element is elected
onsubmit script Run the script when the form is submitted

Keyboard Events

Property Value Describe
onkeydown script Run the script when the key is pressed
onkeypress script Run the script when the key is pressed and released
onkeyup script Run the script when the keys are released

Mouse Events

Triggering an event with the mouse, similar to the user's behavior:

Property Value Describe
onclick script Run the script when you click the mouse
ondblclick script Run the script when you double-click the mouse
ondrag New script Run the script when you drag an element
ondragend New script Run the script at the end of the drag operation
ondragenter New script Run the script when the element is dragged to a valid drag-and-drop target
ondragleave New script Run the script when the element leaves a valid drag-and-drop target
ondragover New script Run the script when the element is dragged above the valid drag-and-drop target
ondragstart New script Run the script when the drag operation begins
ondrop New script Run the script when the dragged element is being dragged and dropn
onmousedown script Run the script when the mouse button is pressed
onmousemove script Run the script as the mouse pointer moves
onmouseout script Run the script when the mouse pointer moves out of the element
onmouseover script Run the script when the mouse pointer moves over the element
onmouseup script Run the script when you release the mouse button
onmousewheel New script Run the script when the mouse wheel is turned
onscroll New script Run the script when you scroll through the scroll bar of an element

Media Events

The event is triggered by video, images, or audio, and is used in HTML media elements such as

Property Value Describe
onabort script Run the script when an abort event occurs
oncanplay New script Run the script when the media can start playing but may need to stop because of buffering
oncanplaythrough New script Run the script when the media can play to the end without having to stop buffering
ondurationchange New script Run the script when the media length changes
onemptied New script Run the script when the media resource element suddenly becomes empty (network error, load error, etc.).
onended New script Run the script when the media has reached the end
onerror New script Run the script when an error occurs during the element load
onloadeddata New script Run the script when the media data is loaded
onloadedmetadata New script Run the script when the duration of the media element and other media data are loaded
onloadstart New script Run the script when the browser starts loading media data
onpause New script Run the script when media data is paused
onplay New script Run the script when the media data is about to start playing
onplaying New script Run the script when the media data has started playing
onprogress New script Run the script while the browser is taking media data
onratechange New script Run the script when the playback rate of the media data changes
onreadystatechange New script Run the script when the ready-state changes
onseeked New script Run the script when the positioning properties of the media element are no longer true and the positioning is over
onseeking New script Run the script when the positioning properties of the media element are true and the positioning has started
onstalled New script Run the script when there is an error (delay) during the return of media data
onsuspend New script Run the script when the browser is already taking media data but stopping before the entire media file is recovered
ontimeupdate New script Run the script when the medium changes where it plays
onvolumechange New script Run the script when the medium changes the volume or when the volume is muted
onwaiting New script Run the script when the media has stopped playing but intends to continue playing

Other events

Property Value Describe
onshow New script Triggered when the element is displayed in context
ontoggle New script Triggered when the user turns the element on or off