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First, the format of the DIR command

May 22, 2021 DOS Command learning manual

dir [D:][PATH][NAME][[/A][:attrib]][/o:[sorted][/s][/l][/c[h]

(1) dir /a:attrib default contains all files (system files. I mplied file)


Only read-only or non-read-only files are displayed

Only system files or non-system files are displayed

Only files to be archived or non-archived are displayed

(2)/o.:) Sorted: By default, it is entirely alphabetical, with subdirections appearing before the file

/o(n/-n): displayed in alphabetical order or in reverse order of file names

e/-e: Alphabetical/reverse display by extension

d/-d: Displayed in chronological/reverse order

s/-s: Displayed from large to small or/in reverse by size

g/-g: Press subdirectdirected before file or file before subdirectdirect

(3)/s parameter: A list of all files in the current directory and its subdirectts

Column ir /s/a/o:n c:?gt;PRN

Print all subdirectts and files on the c disk as affiliation and in alphabetical order based on the subdirectdirects and files

(4) /B parameter: Only the file name and extension will be displayed

(5) /L parameter: All files or subdirectdirectations will be listed in lowercase letters


All files in the current directory of the dir /a column (implied and system files)

The dir /ah column implies a file (containing subdirectts (implied) dir /a-h

dir /as column system file dir /a-s

Dir /ad column subdirecte dir /a-d

dir /o in alphabetical order

Dir /B shows only the file name and extension


List all file directories and sub-files in a disk directory into one text file.

dir /s >> h:\dx.txt