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eight, deltree /y (driveath)

May 23, 2021 DOS Command learning manual

deltree deletes subdirectts and files, although some files are systematic or implicit.

It can have wildcards when it deletes eligible files or subdirectors.

Such as: there are L1 files, L2 subdirectents, L3 files, L4 subdirectents

Deltree L. will delete all of the above files and subdirectees, but confirm them before deleting them, if not,

You can enter "N".

The /y parameter is operated without confirmation when deleted.

It deletes files that can be recovered with underlete, but cannot be recovered from subdirectts and the files under it, which can be used in special

The tool. S uch as NORTON 8.0, etc.

If you use underlete/s in advance, you can find the complete file in the sentry subdirect directory, but the name is already
