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DOS command dictionary four

May 23, 2021 DOS Command learning manual

IIS service commands:

iisreset / reboot restart win2k computer (but there is a hint that the system will restart information appears)

iisreset /start or stop all Internet services

iisreset /restart stops and then restarts all Internet services

iisreset /status shows the status of all Internet services

iisreset /enable or disable enables (disables) the restart of Internet services on the local system

iisreset /rebootonerror When the Internet service is started, stopped, or restarted, it will be rebooted if an error occurs

Iisreset /noforce will not force the termination of internet services if they cannot be stopped

Iisreset /timeout Val has not stopped the Internet service when it reaches more than a second, and if the /rebootonerror parameter is specified, the computer will be powered back on. T he preset value is 20 seconds to restart, 60 seconds to stop, and 0 seconds to reboot.

FTP command: (detailed later)

The command line format for ftp is:

ftp -v -d -i -n -g (host name) -v displays all the response information for the remote server.

-d Use debugging.

-n Limit the automatic login of ftp, i.e. do not use the .netrc file.

-g Cancel the global file name.

help (command) or ? L ook at the command description

Bye or quit terminates the host FTP process and exits the FTP management method.

pwd lists the current remote host directory

The put or send local file name, the file name uploaded to the host, transfers a local file to the remote host

Get or recv ( Remote Host File Name ) , which is downloaded to the local file name , is transferred from the remote host to the local host

The remote-files receives a batch of files from the remote host to the local host

mput local-files transfers a batch of files from the local host to the remote host

Dir or ls (remote-directory) (local-file) lists the files in the current remote host directory. I f you have a local file, write the results to the local file

Ascii set to transfer files as ASCII (default)

Bin or image settings transfer files binaryally

Bell Every time a file transfer is completed, an alarm prompt is raised

cdup returns to the next level of directory

close interrupts ftp session with remote server (corresponding to open)

Open host (port) establishes a specified ftp server connection, which specifies the connection port

Delete deletes files from the remote host

mdelete (remote-files) deletes a batch of files

mkdir directory-name establishes a directory in the remote host

Rename changes the file name in the remote host

rmdir directory-name deletes the directory in the remote host

Status shows the status of the current FTP

System shows the remote host system type

User-name (password) re-logs on to the remote host with a different user name

Open host (port) re-establishes a new connection

prompt interactive prompt mode

macdef defines macro commands

lcd changes the working directory of the current local host and, by default, goes to the current user's HOME directory

chmod changes the file permissions of the remote host

Case When on, the file names copied with the MGE command are converted to lowercase letters to the local machine

cd remote-dir enters the remote host directory

Cdup enters the parent directory of the remote host directory

! Perform interactive shells in the local machine, exit back to the ftp environment, such as! ls* .zip