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for some bugs

May 23, 2021 DOS Command learning manual

1, about the colon: when a line of content to : head, with for /f "tokens" 1 x delims: "%%in ('findstr /n .test.txt') do echo%%j will filter out: ;

2, about the sign: findstr .?test.txt can be used in the for statement can not be found in full, must be added parameters / n can, it seems that the for statement will start with the line as a comment content ignored, as if it is not findstr's fault;

Solutions to problem 1 and 2 are:

Slightly more complex:

@echo off

:: Empty lines are not ignored

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr /n .* test.txt') do (

set "str=%%i"

call set "str=%%str:*:=%%"

call echo "%%str%%"



The simplest:

@echo off

:: This code ignores empty lines

for /f "delims= eol=" %%i in (test.txt) do echo %%i


3, in the for extension, %%-si indicates that the path to the extension contains only short file names, but in the following testing process, it is found that this is not the case:

Test environment:


D:\abcdefg hijk\abcd efgh.txt

D:\abcdefg hijk\te st.txt

Test code:


@echo off

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /a /b *.txt') do echo %%~si


Test results:




See the last record of the test results? actually extended to TEST-1.TXTtxt!

To sum up the error, it seems that when more than one place in the path is expanded to a short file name because the directory name exceeds 11 characters, an extension error occurs for a file with a file name with a suffix name of less than 11 characters and a space.

—— namejm